7: The Speech

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A/N: Thanks for over 100 reads! I appricieate it so very much!

Tony and the rest of the Avengers had made a complex and amazing plan. Now, there were only 10 kids, and half of them were boys. They knew that Peter was a boy, so they only had 5 suspects. But, there were THREE Peters. So, it complicated things. They just had to look for hints and clues, and had to try and get some clues out of Peter on the chat. They were going to find out who he was.

Peter: Guys the speech is going to start in 2 minutes!

Mr. Kidnapper: Make sure to pay attention!

Peter: Definetly! I read on the packet, and it said the FREAKING AVENGERS WERE GOING TO SHOW UP!!!!!!!!

Widow: Oooh!

Legolas: Which ones?

Peter: Captain America, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Bucky, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Vision, War Machine and Iron Man but Tony Stark is going to be just Tony Stark, and the rest of the Avengers are going to be in their normal clothes not their superhero clothing.

Cap: That was an extremely long text

Cap: And that was the longest text I have ever sent

Cap: Now that one is

Mr. Kidnapper: shut up pls

GreenGuy: No one cares dude



Mr. Kidnapper: bye kid

Cap: Talk to you later

Mr. Kidnapper: its called ttyl nowadays

GreenGuy: I don't even know WHY people choose to write it as ttyl

Legolas: I makes no sense

Widow: Well... it just takes less time to type so 

GreenGuy: That's problably why

Peter put his phone away in his sweatshirt pocket and waited anxiously for Tony Stark and the Avengers to come. He was excited and nervous at the same time. At last, the clock hit 9:30, and out came Tony Stark! "Hello and welcome to the Stark Industries Internship program! I am Tony Stark and I will be hosting the Internship program!" He smiled

Tony was standing on the stage, giving out his speech, but also looking for Peter. He saw 5 boys, but he wouldn't know which is which until the interview. He saw a boy who had dirtish sandy blonde hair, spiking up a bit. He was pretty lean and a good height for his age. The second boy had long blonde hair, down just underneath his shoulders. His hair was more white than blonde. The third boy had nice fine black hair. He looked like a smart but silent kid. The fourth boy had shaggy brown hair, with little gold streaks with spikes. He was a good height for his age and had a nice lean look to him. He seemed pretty muscular, so Tony assumed he must be an Athletics kid. The last kid- the fifth kid, had regular chocolate brown hair. There were mini wavy curls at the top. Kid looked like a normal sized kid and had a smart look about him. Tony was nearing the end of his speech. "And when you complete your invention, you will show it to the Avengers- and maybe we might use it!" The audience oohed and ahhed. He continued on "And at the end of the week, one of you will be my personal intern." More and bigger oohs and ahhs. Then, the Avengers walked out and gave their 'good lucks' to the kids. "After this, I will have an personal interview with each of you guys! Now, go take 5 in the break room. I will be meeting with you- one on one in the interview room." Tony walked down the stage stairs, "Until then, please don't destroy anything while I'm gone" He chuckled and walked out of the room, with the Avengers following shortly behind. 

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