16: Mystery Girls and Mystery Spiderman

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A/N: Hi Guys, there is no texting in this chapter, but reading this is vital to understand the rest of the story so please read. ALSO PEPPERONY. Thanks!

Peter arrived at the Avengers Tower and came up to the room that Mr. Stark had summoned him too. "Hi? Is anyone here?" He called out. "Over here kid" a voice called back. It was a lounge room, the giant room that all the Avengers hung out in. He followed the voice and found all of the Avengers he had talked to previously sitting down waiting for him. "Hi." Peter said. Within a split second they tied him up to a chair and hung him upside down. God they were crazy. 

"Now. What are we going to do with him?" Natasha asked questioningly. Muffled sounds came from Peter. And shaking. While they discussed, Peter slowly escaped. 

"Well I think we should just straight up ask him" Bruce said. 

"I think we shouldn't and let Peter be," came a voice. That was Peter's. 

"H-how did you get out?" Steve asked, surprised. 

"Easy. I licked my lips, then off came the tape on my lips. I just ripped my hands with brute force and untied my legs. Then I untied my body from the chair, careful not to crash the chair down." Peter said like it was the most easiest thing ever.

"Well who was it? WHO IS THE MYSTERY GIRL?" Tony asked. 

"Looks like your girl is here, and it looks like shes angry at you." Peter said, and then Tony turned around, hands up. 

"My hands are up- please mercy please please please please please please please." 

"No" Pepper said. "I swear, if I find one more bottle of scotch on my desk I will cut off your entire scotch supply entirely." 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Tony half shouted "I ASKED FOR MERCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" He bawled on the floor while Peter and rest watched and laughed. Pepper dropped the bottle on his face and started to leave. 

"Wow. What a drop the mic ending" Clint said with a chuckle. 

"Oh yeah, that brings me to the assignment" Tony said, "Fury said that we have to capture Spiderman and make him join the Avengers."

Peter paled. Spiderman? Did they know who he was?

"Honestly, Fury makes me FURYous" Tony said as a joke, "Kid you're going to help me with designing the suit." He got up and went to a table. He clicked a button on it and out came a 3D hologram display of a suit. 

"After we make the suit, we find Spiderman, convince him with the suit, then he'll join the Avengers"

"How do you know he will join?" Peter asked, a little shaky. 

"I dunno, I'm just assuming. I hope he does" Tony replied. 

Timeskip - After finishing the suit

"Whew! That took a long time" Bruce said with exhaustion

"I'm so glad we are finally done!" Peter added

"God this is amazing. He's gonna love it." Tony said, "Now all we have to do is find him"

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