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Nonetheless, Jin played it down. "Doctor may appear a scared profession to others, but who would know the hardship it holds?

"Saving and healing is definitely what doctors should do, but there would always be those convinced that you have to shoulder all outcomes just because you have the job, and that is why they would blame and curse without restraint. Perhaps I have run into a mental obstacle since there were some patients whom I couldn't rescue lately, which is probably why I had the impulse to hit back.

"So you don't have to apologize. I didn't do it for you"

Jin's bruised face suddenly had a sickly handsomeness to it then his voice was also indifferent, as if the problem has nothing to do with himself.

Jisoo's eyes felt stabbed looking at his back as he left from the light reflecting off his white coat.

He did not trun back at all, and she felt a mysterious bitterness in her heart.

'Kim Seok Jin, which one is your true self?'


The dean's office.

Jin knocked on the door and entered.

The dean was seated on his office chair, flipping through trending news on his phone.

Especially videos of Jin fighting.

The video was shaky, but it was not hard to tell that it was a fierce scene.

The dean smiled when he heard Jin enter. "Oh Jin. Come, sit"

Jin merely stood before his desk. "I'm fine. Say what you need to say"

The dean sighed. "Jin, you're a genius acknowledged in the medical filed, and our top authority in our hospital's neurology wing. But how could you do something so foolish? You know that you're doctor, and patients come first in the hospital no matter what. Why would you commit such a low-class mistake?! I can't protect you if this thing spreads!"

Jin stayed silent.

"I know the patient's father was wrong", the dean continued, "But that does not mean netizens nationwide would know that. Things would not have escalated to this state if you just endured it. That man has already come to see me, saying that he would make a huge mess if I didn't settle this matter don't you know you've ruined your own future?!"

"I did nothing wrong" Jin's voice was both cold and solemn. "A doctor's duty is to heal and save, but they can't save themselves. The patient's father had publicly smeared our hospital by saying that our doctors would only do our job when we get bonuses, or is that acceptable? If I bear with it today, there would be thousands some families vindictively claiming damages. What would you do then? Reimbursements, just like today? Silence? Or are you letting them do whatever they want?"

"As the dean of this hospital, you should learn how to differentiate right and wrong not indulgence, or single-minded compliance"

Jin took off his name tag then and put it on the desk, his voice becoming even colder. "I'm tired. I'll submit my resignation tomorrow"

The dean's eyes widened and he rose in shock. "Jin....are you quitting?"

Having already turned away, Jin pause. "Or what?"

It appeared that the dean had not expected things to come to this, and therefore quickly rushed to Jin and did his best to have him stay. "Jin, I know you're upset and I want to protect you too. But I'm not going to have it easy when the higher-ups about this? I'll give you three months leave, and you could see_"

"No need" Jin briskly cut him short and left.

Pushing open the office door, he ran headlong into Jisoo.

She awkwardly scratched her head, while he brushed past her without a single glance and strode off.

The look from his back was cold, even chilling.

Around her, the nurses who were listening in on the conversation in the dean's office were all upset.

"Poor Doctor Kim"


One of them even glared pointedly at Jisoo. "I heard that Doctor Jin only got into a fight because he was protecting someone. But they are a coward who won't even defend him!"

"It's over....I've been chasing him for so long that he is almost a part of my life. What should I do after he quits? How am I supposed to see him from now on!?"

Jisoo lowered her head, chiding herself while clenching her fingers at her sides.

It was true. Even if Jisoo wouldn't admit it, he had not retaliated from the start and kept holding back. It was until she got caught in the crossfire that he....

But was he lying or she imagining things?

Keeping her head down, Jisoo briskly made her escape. The nurses stared at her as she left, chatting away.

Outside the hospital, Jisoo went to the bus stop, but her rather quick pace slowed when she saw she saw the man there.

Jin had already taken off his white lab coat, and was wearing a white shirt, black leisure pants and white sneakers.

He had a hand in his pocket and was leaning back languidly, his brow furrowed in slight unhappiness although his eyes looked empty.

Just as Jisoo thought about moving to another bus stop, the bus she was doing to board had arrived.

The crowd swarmed, stuffing the bus door and squeezed outside.

Jisoo joined them ignoring all else and rushing up, shoving her way inside and finally getting to throw her coin into the coin box.

She picked a standing spot near the window and looked outside.

But Jin was already gone.

Eh? Where was he?

Could he have boarded the bus too?

While Jisoo scanned around her, she suddenly smelled a familiar scent swirling around her nose.

Pausing, she looked up to find Jin just in front of her. Since it was very crowded, he was very close and almost touching her.

He kept one hand on the handle behind her, while staring down at her from above.

Jisoo felt her face go red instantly.

"Hi...." She greeted awkwardly.

Jin turned away, acting as if he did not hear her.

Jisoo cursing him inwardly, and rolled her eyes in irritation when he suddenly smiled.

"Where you cursing at me just now?" He asked.

Jisoo felt her breath caught at the sight of his smile, and quickly stuttered, "W-who could be cursing at Y-you?"

He grinned but said nothing. Jisoo, left a little embarrassed decided to shift the topic. "Are you really quitting?"


"Where are you going after that?"

"I don't know"

"....You'll starve to death without work. Better find another hospital".

Jin lowered his gaze her.

Unlike before. Jisoo was dressed especially girly today. She also smelled faintly street perhaps because she had put on makeup, painting her usually masculine features with some degree of femininity.

He turned away. "I don't plan to work anymore"

"Huh?" Jisoo was shocked. "Why? Not working at such a young age, are you going for premature pensioning? You don't look rich too, what if you have to pay the dowry for a your wife?"

In response, Jin tapped her in the forehead with his index finger and middle finger. "You talk too much. So annoying" He said a little feebly.

Jisoo took one step back as she felt her forehead burn. That was also when the bus swerved abruptly, and everyone onboard started to drop as if by habit.

Watching as Jisoo lose her balance and was about to fall, Jin caught her just in the nick of time, pulling her into his arms.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now