Chapter 120

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Joy's face went pale white. Gulping forcefully, she nodded even as she shuddered.

Lisa looked up at the man who resembled a god, and actually felt a little worshipful then.

He manly.

Really, she must have drunk too much to think that.

Still, while she was blanking out, Jungkook had already picked her up and carried her outside.

"Eeeeeh! Let me down pig"

So many people were watching!

Lisa kept struggling, her drunk sobbing invoking much pity.

On the other hand, Jungkook's face looked utterly frightening and just like a kidnapper.

One of the bellboys watching the door quickly stopped him. "Stop, you criminal! How dare you kidnap a woman in public!"


Jungkook's eyes went crimson. "She's my wife".

When the bellboy appeared not to buy it, he added, "What? Do you want my marriage certificate?"

Not that he had one.

Nonetheless, the bellboy withdrew from his terrifying face and cleared the way for him.

Jisoo was a little worried when she saw Jungkook roughly stuff Lisa into his car, and spoke out while braving the pain of death, "Excuse me, President Jeon....Could you be gentle with Lili? Try not to hurt her".

As soon as she spoke, however, Jungkook glared at her and coldly chided her without allowing any explanation, "What kind of an assistant are you! Don't you know that she can't drink?"

"I....I tried to stop her, but everyone was forcing her to drink. Lili couldn't do a thing, nor could I stop them...."

"Shouldn't you be aware as an assistant?" Jungkook's voice was icy and devoid of emotion. "Remember, our company doesn't keep lazy bums. You are disappearing if this happens again!"

Usually, Jisoo thought that she had developed an immunity, becoming invincible after being single for so long.

However, she couldn't hold it in now pursing her lips and putting a hand over her eyes, she burst into tears.

"I'm....I'm sorry, President Jeon....I'm so sorry!"

He was so scary she could die from fright.

Jungkook frowned, It's always a problem whenever women broke into tears. Such a pain!

Lisa tried to climb out of the car then. "Jungkook....W-why are you scolding Jisoo!?"

Nonetheless, Jungkook slammed the door shut with a bang, got into the driver seat and floored the pedal.

His car sped off, kicking a pile of dust and leaving Jisoo, crying and full of grief.

She wiped away her tears and held herself, but she only became sadder.

She tried to hail a cab home, but there were not many cabs around at this hour.

Hence, Jisoo walked past two streets. There were fewer people around and the streetlights looked older, with some hanging out and flashing. There were a few stalls selling fried food, and though there was smoke rising into the air, there were few customers.

She looked at one and coincidentally met the stall owner's eyes.

After the traumatic incident at the bar the other night, she hurried away as if afraid the man would chase her.

MR. Jeon, The Heart Bandit | L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now