Chapter 103

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Even as Jungkook spoke, Lisa's eyes were magnifying his handsome face, and he soon drowned all of her gulping.

Everyone's eyes were inevitably caught and left dumbfounded.

The warm sun shone upon them, reflecting her dainty passiveness and his large, arched frame. and domineering.

There were so many eyes around them that Lisa wanted a hole she could slip into very badly.

It was so embarrassing!

This accursed man had skin so thick it could give the earth's crust a run for its money!

Then, he growled as he pulled away. "I'll keep kissing you if you say that again".

He's even threatening her now.

Red faced, Lisa glared at him in embarrassment and rage. "You're moving out tonight!"

Jungkook lifted a brow. "No, I won't".

He threw a provoking look, as if saying 'I won't do as I'm told, and what are you going to do about that?'

Whoever could have made him so arrogant?

She was going to lock every door when she reached home night. She would see how he comes in then!

But seemingly seeing through her thoughts, Jungkook smiled, his eyes twinkling. "I have gotten someone to change your rocks. The doors now only open by fingerprint, and you can't get in without mine".

'Wow, is this a world ruled by the mafia'?

"You...." Lisa's chest was heaving, but she only managed utter a word after glaring at him for what felt like half a day. "Scoundrel!"

Jungkook's smile broadened as he watched her slip away.

He knew it. Women are the cutest creatures on the planet.

Although that only applies to Lisa.


When Lisa was about to cross the road, she suddenly heard violent gasping for breath, with each gasping louder than the other.

It felt like someone's throat was being torn out.

Lisa quickly turned around to find Eunwoo leaning on a wall, fists clenched as he heaved sharply.

His eyes were tightened and bloodshot, while his usually pale face was now bright red. Veins were bulging over his neck and his lips were turning blue.

He looked like he was suffering so much pain that he was going to die.

"Mister Cha!" Lisa ran to him, but was unsure what she should do.


Eunwoo turned his back to her as if reluctant to her see him in such a wretched state, but abruptly dropped to one knee.

Soon, he was wheezing from his throat.

Left in disbelief, Lisa tried to help him up. "Y_ you have asthma?"

Eunwoo could not reply in his utter anguish.

Lisa turned and told Jungkook, "Get you car, he needs the hospital".

Jungkook's eyes lowered towards her arm touching Eunwoo's, and said without a hint of emotion, "It's fine if he dies".

He was her man, and yet she never even showed any concern.

On the other hand, she just met that manwhore days ago, and she's already fussing all over him!

In fact, mister manwhore should just die right away!

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