An Encounter

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(The Chunin exams this is probably my most favorite arc in Naruto also I hope you guys enjoy this story so far I think I'm addicted to writing now 💀.)

Inside Y/N's apartment we can see Y/N preparing himself for today.

'This is gonna be the start of the Chunin exams' Y/N thought

"Alright let's go!" Y/N shouted

Y/N went to the bridge where they were supposed to meet at.

Y/N reached there and saw both Sasuke and Sakura there.

"Good morning" Y/N said

While Y/N was heading towards the bridge he bumped his head on Naruto.

We both collapsed on the floor. "That hurts!" Naruto said

Y/N just rubbed his head.

"What was that for Y/N?"

"I didn't do anything I just bumped into you" Y/N said

Naruto stood up and ran towards Sakura

"Good morning Sakura!"

After that Naruto stared at Sasuke and looked back.

'This again' Sakura thought

Y/N just stood near Naruto.

A while later

"Hey guys good morning sorry I'm late afraid I got lost." Kakashi said

"In ready for the next mission sensei I want a chance of proving myself I want a real mission!" Naruto said

"Take it easy Naruto" Kakashi said

Naruto started snarling at Sasuke.

"Let us know when your done fantasizing about Sasuke so that we can start the mission Naruto" Kakashi said


We ended up just picking out weeds for the mission.But Naruto picked out everything including the things we were not supposed to pick out.

So Naruto got quite the beating from the Owner.

Our next mission was picking out trash from the river

'This is so boring.' Y/N thought

"Gahh" Naruto fell down the river

Luckly I zapped to him, grabbed Naruto and zapped back to land.

"Thank you Y/N!" Naruto shouted in joy.

"No problem" Y/N said

Next we had to walk some dogs luckly I coudnt walk one since there were only 3. Naruto had trouble with the big one though.

Y/N laughed at Naruto

"What's so funny Y/N?! Naruto shouted.

Naruto ended up getting bombed by mines.


Both Sakura And Sasuke were carrying Naruto

"Your just one big problem Naruto" Sasuke said

"Sasuke!!!" Naruto shouted

"If you keep this up I will finish you myself Naruto!." Sakura said menacingly.

Kakashi sighed

"The teamwork thing is not going well" Kakashi said

"That's right our teamwork is ruined because of you Sasuke!" Naruto shouted

"You can beat each other later I have to file a report on this mission" Kakashi said.

"I'm out of here" Sasuke said

"Wait for me Sasuke!" Sakura shouted

"Guess it's just me and you Naruto what do you wanna do? We could get some ramen my treat." Y/N said

"Get some ramen!" Naruto shouted

"Huh Sensei dissapeared" Naruto said

"He is probably gonna report the mission to the hokage now let's go get ramen" Y/N said


We stopped in our tracks when we saw a fake rock in front of us.

"A fake rock" Y/N said

"That's the worse disguise of all time!" Naruto shouted

"Just what I would expect from my rival" A wild konohamaru has appeared.

"I think we used a little bit of too much gunpowder guys" Konohamaru said

"You know what I'm just gonna go home have fun Naruto" Y/N said

"Don't leave me here Y/N!" Naruto shouted


"Let's mess with these punks first before he can get here" A mysterious person said while holding up Konohamaru's scarf.

"Let go of me!" Konohamaru shouted

Y/N was spying on them

"Your feisty but not for long" The mysterious person said

"Let go of him!" Naruto said

But Y/N stopped him

"Let me handle him you watch over the others"

Y/N zapped to the mysterious person and punched him quickly

"Gah!" The mysterious person was hurt from the attack.

"Why you!" The mysterious person tried attacking Y/N but Y/N grabbed Konohamaru and zapped back to Naruto's place

"Hey I was supposed to save Konohamaru!" Naruto shouted

"Now's not the time Naruto!"

"You punch hard are you a Genin like me?" The mysterious person said

"I am one" Y/N said

This shocked the mysterious person

"Guess the leaf village is still holding up it's reputation. " The mysterious person said.

Sasuke then appeared on a tree and threw a rock at the mysterious person

"Your way out of your league here" Sasuke said

"Sasuke!!" Sakura shouted

' I didn't notice that Sakura was here's Y/N thought

"Another wimp to tick me off" The mysterious person said

"Why are you not cool like him and him" Konohamaru said while pointing at both Sasuke and Y/N

"Now that's not true I could have beaten that person in 2 seconds" Naruto said

"Hmph!" Konohamaru made a sound signaling he did not believe Naruto

"Hey get down here your the kind of person I hate most!" The mysterious person said

"Kankuro back off" A mysterious person said

This shocked Sasuke and Kankuro.

The mysterious person was standing on the tree upside down.

"Your an embarrassment" The mysterious person said

Word count: 859

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