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SSA Aaron Hotchner pushes open his office door to find the BAU's newly hired agent already sat at the seat facing his desk.

"You're early?" he asks while shaking the mans hand and taking his own seat.

"First impressions and all that." His colleague smiles while adjusting his seating postition.

"I'm sure you're aware of how we work?" Hotch asks while opening a file on the man sat before him.

"Absolutely." he nods.

"And you're ok to leave the state on a case whenever we need to?"

"My go bag is already in my car." he assures the older agent, mirroring his frown.

"Ok, would you like me to introduce you to the tea-"

"Sir, we have a case." Hotch is interrupted by Penelope Garcia who's eyes quickly move to the man sat before him.

The whole team knew that a new agent was to be joining the team, she just didn't know it was so soon.

She apologises, feeling her bosses eyes on her before leaving the room.

"Hey mama, what's going on in there?" Derek Morgan asks, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Garcia's eyes wander over the agents sat around him, each one of them staring back, waiting for an answer.

"It's the newbie." she smiles brightly. "and it's a guy." She looks at the man beside her.

"Oh, don't be getting any ideas baby girl." Morgan smiles before wrapping his arm around his best friend. "You're all mine." he squeezes her tightly, before leading the way to the briefing room.

"So..." JJ leans forward, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "is he good l-" she's cut off by Hotch entering the room, closely followed by the new agent who's face is covered with a frown.

She scans his body, down to his large feet and then back up to his crooked tie, blushing when the man notices her staring.

He drops his satchel to the ground before kicking it beneath the chair that sits next to her, not once breaking eye contact as he takes the seat.

JJ shifts her gaze to Emily Prentiss who is trying hard to hide the smirk playing on her lips after watching the encounter.

The blonde agent rolls her eyes playfully, shifting her seating position slightly in order to avoid any awkward contact with his long legs.

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