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3 years later...


*Akshara watches Abhimanyu sleep and she finally lets out a sigh of relief*

Thank God Abhi has finally slept...

*It's been so many days since Abhi had a good sleep...

Akshara was now nine months pregnant and ever since she entered the nine month, Abhi has been panicking like hell!

As Akshara moves her fingers in Abhi's hair, she think of the past few months that have gone by...

Abhi and Akshara hadn't really discussed about having kids...

Although the family members had constantly given them hints, they never discussed it.

But when it was the second anniversary of their court marriage, Akshara found out that she was pregnant...

She had no idea how Abhi would react but she knew he wouldn't leave her alone ever.

So, that night, she organised a surprise for him and when they were cuddling under the stars, she told him about their pregnancy...

For the first few minutes, Abhi didn't react...it was as if he had forgotten how to speak.

But when Akshara started crying, he immediately came to his senses...

He picked her up and swirled her around, showering kisses on her and asking her again and again if what he heard was true!

The families too were delighted to hear the much awaited news...

Abhi took it completely upon himself to take care of her... He did not let her do even a single thing that could cause her stress of any kind...

While Akshara was growing accustomed to this new routine of resting the entire day, her 20th week appointment left her shocked.

The doctor informed them that there was a minor complication in her pregnancy...

After that Abhi took care of her day and night...he would stay up all night looking after her and even when he slept he had constant alarms set to check up on her...

Akshara loved Abhi's concern for her but at the same time, she was equally concerned for him...

And as the months went by, Abhi started getting more and more restless...

Even when the doctor said that everything was normal, he didn't let his guard down for even a single second...

Now, in the 9th month, he barely slept at night...

Today, when he almost fainted, Akshara got so angry that he had been so careless with his health!

She refused to talk to him until he had a good night's sleep...

And now finally, Abhimanyu is sleeping while Akshara watches him with love and adoration!


*A few days later*


"Doctor Shikha, please take care of her, please doctor, she's my life" Abhi begs as Akshara's stretcher is dragged into the operation theatre...

*Akshara had gone into labour two hours ago and Abhi had immediately made arrangements to take her to the hospital...

As Akshara is taken inside the operation theatre, Abhimanyu breaks down...

He knows the staff at Birla Hospital would take utmost care of his Akshara and his baby but there was something inside him that didn't let him relax for even a single moment...

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