A Gift

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*Just then, Aarohi walked in...holding a cake in her hands and a bright smile on her face...

Akshara is really surprised to see Aarohi present for her birthday celebration...*

"Happy Birthday to you..." Aarohi starts singing and everybody joins in...

*Akshara looks at Abhi with a confused expression and he gives her a smile*


*Abhi looks at Akshara and smiles... he then looks at Aarohi and a flashback from yesterday plays in his mind...

He remembers what that nurse told him after he saw Aarohi crying and rushing out of the operation theatre.

He went to the terrace of the hospital and saw Aarohi crying terribly...*

"You didn't kill him, Dr. Aarohi" Abhi told her.

"I...I..." She cried.

"Your patient suffered a terrible accident and it's not your fault that despite all your efforts, you couldn't save him"

"His wife...she begged me to save him...but I couldn't...I swear I tried everything...but it just-" she continued to cry. "And then she blamed me for his death Abhimanyu, she said that I didn't do my job well"

"It feels terrible to be blamed for something you never did, right? Especially something so serious like killing another person?" Abhi asks her.

*Aarohi doesn't speak for a moment*

"She told you everything, didn't she?
But you know what, you don't know the whole story..." Aarohi says sternly.

"I just know one thing Aarohi... Sometimes terrible things happen to us but they're not anybody's fault... that's just life...and blaming someone for another person's death when they had nothing to do with it...is worse than that.

You didn't kill that man, just like Akshara didn't kill your mother... Yes, what happened in both the situations... I wish hadn't happened but just because it did, we can pin the blame on an innocent person" he says and walks away.

*Abhi remembers this incident and is thankful that Aarohi paid heed to his advice*

"Akshara... we've spent years and years with guilt, regret and hatred...

But now, I want to start afresh. I don't want to carry this burden anymore and I'm ready to leave everything behind...are you? Aarohi asks Akshara.

*Tears roll down Akshara's eyes as she runs to hug Aarohi while the Goenkas rejoice at their reunion.

Both the families then celebrate Akshara's birthday with great excitement.

As the Goenkas leave, they invite the Birlas for the Pooja at their home the next day*


*As Akshara and Abhimanyu enter their room, Akshara hugs hum tightly...*

"Thankyou! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"You don't need to-"

"I do Abhi... I know Aarohi's change of mind has something to do with you and I know that only you could've done this impossible task" she gets up on her toes and kisses his cheek.

"I would do anything for you Akshara, anything!" He kisses her forehead. " Happy Birthday love..." and he takes her to bed.


*As Akshara and Abhimanyu do the puja the next morning, they can see that their families are acting a little weird...*

"We have an announcement to make" says Manish.

"Akshara, this is your birthday gift from all of us" Swarna smiles.

"And Abhi, this is a gift for you too" Manjari laughs.

*Akshara and Abhimanyu exchange confused glances*

"Ahm..." Says Harsh, "since you both got married in a hurry and without any proper celebrations, we have planned to get you both married again, with all the rituals and functions!"

Author's Note: Hi guys, sorry for the short parts these days, I'm a little busy and will need some time...

But the Abhira wedding will be one big fat amazing event, for sure!

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