Fever {Unstable_Day x Reader}

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Requested? No.

Warnings: None, only some cusses/swears.

Type: Fluff

Keys: Y/n (Your Name)

Summary: You get a fever and unstable takes care of you blah blah blah

and yes I'm in the story (again)

^˘Y/n POV:˘^

As I woke up I felt like absolute shit. I felt weak, and my eyes were burning. I touched my forehead and flinched when I felt how hot it is, but I felt like I was going to freeze to death. I groaned in annoyance. I buried myself deeper into my blankets. After a good 5 minutes, I knew I had to get up. I took my digital thermometer put it under my armpit and waited until I heard some bings. I checked and it showed 38.5°C (100.4°F or smth like that, idk I'm not American) I groaned as I absolutely HATE having fevers.

, Paloma POV, (betcha didn't expect that eh?)

I was currently vibing at my [RESIDENCE] while eating food, until, I get a call. I picked up my phone and saw it was Y/n. Why are they calling me so early? meh, whatever. "Yes, Y/n? Are you okay? Why are you calling me so early?" I asked. "One, no, I am not okay, second, I'm calling you so early because I have a fever." "I'll come over in about 5 okay?" "Yeah." Great, they have a fever. I put on my shoes, opened the door to my [RESIDENCE], stepped out, and closed the door. I began speed walking while texting Y/n on my phone. "WHY IS [CIVILIAN] LOOK NERVOUS?" A voice spoke, I turned my head and there he was, Unstable_day in his glory. "Oh, my friend Y/n has a fever and I'm just heading over to their [RESIDENCE]," I told him. "CAN COME WITH?" Unstable asked. "Yeah sure." Huh, strange. He usually wouldn't care but, oh well.

°˛Y/n POV˛°

I heard three knocks on the door. "Co...me in..!" I slightly yelled. The door opened and there stood Paloma and... Unstable_Day?... Why is he here? I heard Paloma sign. "Y/n, y'know you should stay in bed right?" Paloma slightly scolded me. "Yeah,... I know..." I told her while looking down. "Okay, [OPERATIVE] Unstable_Day wanted to tag along so yea." She told me while pointing her thumb at Unstable. "YES, ME WANT TO HELP [CIVILIAN] FEEL BETTER," Unstable_Day said in his normal broken grammar. "Where do you keep your spare blankets?" Paloma asked me. "Un...der the bed.." I tried my best to reply. Paloma then rushed upstairs.

"HOW IS [CIVILIAN] FEEL?" Unstable_Day asked me while plopping down on the couch next to me. "I ...feel horr...ible," I replied. "CAN ME HELP?" He asked. "Su..re, plea...se get me s..ome wa..ter" I replied. He then rushed off to the kitchen. Paloma then came downstairs with 5 fluffy blankets. "Here ya go," Paloma said while giving me the blankets. "Tha...nk you.." I thanked her as she nodded. "Hey, where is [OPERATIVE] Unstable_Day?" She asked me. "He we...nt to get me s..ome wa...ter" I replied. And then, there was a crash. "[FUCK]" Paloma quietly cussed. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see what it was but I didn't want to move. "Stay here, I'll go check what happened," Paloma told me as she rushed into the kitchen.

˙'Paloma POV'˙

As I went into the kitchen I saw Unstable_Day standing as still as a rock as there was glass everywhere. I looked at him. "No worries, I'll clean it up, you go keep Y/n company," I smiled at him. He then nodded and went back into the living room.

After I was done cleaning up I went back into the living room and couldn't believe what I saw. I opened my jaw, and I was surprised. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. Oh, so you wanna know what I saw? UNSTABLE_DAY LAYING ON Y/N'S CHEST, AS THEY ARE SLEEPING!


I wanted to squeal but I couldn't because I would wake them up, and Y/n would kill me-

I quietly took out my phone from my pocket and took a picture, but I forgot to turn the flash off. I stood as still as a rock since Y/n woke up. "Di...d you take a pic...ture of us...?" Y/n asked. Unstable_Day was still asleep so I assumed he was a heavy sleeper (any fellow heavy sleepers in the comments?) I slowly nodded. Y/n just blinked. "I'm... too tir...ed to kick yo...ur ass" Y/n replied and went back to sleep, and I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.


"You took a picture of them, and Unstable_Day didn't wake up?" [OPERATIVE] Unpredictable_Day asked me. I nodded. "Send me that, I could blackmail him," He smirked. I sent it to him. I smirked back. "Ayyy we make a good duo" I nudged him with my elbow. "[FUCK] YEAAAAA!" Unpredictable_Day yelled out while doing a victory pose. The other [CIVILIANS] looked at us like we were crazy but we just glared at them.

Well here is another, a bit short since I didn't have any more motivation- 841 words, if you want to request, request at the request page!

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