Christmas Party {AloneTraveler x Reader}

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Requested? No.

Warnings: None. Only some swears/cusses.

Type: Fluff

Keys: Y/n (Your Name)

Summary: AloneTraveler invites Albert and you to a Christmas party and ye

and I am included in the story, deal with it :) also in every story, the reader is non-binary

This story has kinda terrible logic but uh ye- Also I will not explain who Joža is

'+Y/n POV+'

I was sitting on a bean bag, next to Albert's desk, he was playing a random horror game he found on Roblox. I was scrolling through random YouTube videos and nothing interesting popped up. Then Albert poofed back into his chair. "Hey Y/n, wanna play with me?" Albert said while turning to me. I looked at him "Yeah, sure, just tell me the game." I told him. "The Mimic" I groaned in annoyance. "What? What's wrong?" Albert asked me. "Paloma won't shut up how excited she is for book 2." I groaned again in annoyance. Albert then busted out in laughter. I glared at him, "Keep on laughing and I will drag you to Paloma, so she can sacrifice you to Joža." I kept on glaring at him.

He immediately shut up. "Oh shut up I don't want to go through that near-death experience again." He shivered at the thought. I smirked. "Talking about Paloma, we haven't visited her in a while, right?" I asked him while standing up from the bean bag. "Yeah, I think the last time we visited her was like 2 months ago." He shrugged. "Oh God, I can already feel her painful tackles" I groaned as he chuckled.

-., Timeskip brought to you by Paloma platonically flirting with Y/n,.-

After 10 minutes we arrived in front of her medium-sized cottage house. I rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds. "Yes? What do you- OH MY JOŽA, Y/N!" Paloma tackled me. "GODDAMMIT STOP TACKLING ME! YOUR TACKLES ARE PAINFUL YOU KNOW!" I yelled at her. "NEVER!" She yelled back. After about 10 seconds she finally got off of me. "Dude I thought you guys were dead, you haven't visited me in 2 months!" Paloma slightly yelled. I stood up from the ground. "Yeah, sorry I forgot you existed," I told her. Paloma gasped dramatically, putting a hand on her chest dramatically. Albert just stood in the background with an 'i don't want to be here anymore' face.

"Anyway, come in you two, I'll get you some pretzels!" Paloma said while opening the door to her house and bowing 'formally'. Albert and I both stepped into her house as Paloma shut the door. "Go and make yourselves comfortable" Paloma grinned, showing her slightly sharp teeth, and then she rushed into the kitchen. Albert and I plopped onto the couch. "Why are we friends with her again?" Albert asked. I then burst out laughing. "I HEARD THAT YOU DUMBASS!" Paloma yelled back at Albert. I was laughing so much I fell off the couch holding my stomach.

 "Here you are my dears, 2 soft pretzels with some water," Paloma replied putting the two plates and glasses of water on the nearby coffee table. Albert took a bite of one and immediately spit it out. "WHY IS THERE SO MUCH SALT ON THIS?! YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!" He yelled while chugging the whole glass of water. "DEAL WITH IT!" Paloma yelled back. I took a bite of the pretzel and just kept on eating. "SEE? HOW COME Y/N DOESN'T COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW MUCH SALT THERE IS ON THERE?!" Paloma yelled at Albert. Albert then became quiet since he didn't have a reason.

Paloma and I were chatting about random stuff until Albert got a notification on his phone. We immediately turned out heads towards him in curiosity. "Albert, I will be hosting a Christmas party from today at 9 PM. Bring Y/n and Paloma with you if you can. Dress nicely, and it doesn't have to be Christmas-y." Albert said while reading the message AloneTraveler sent him. "What time is it now?" Paloma asked "4:36 PM" Albert replied.

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