Date Night

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A few weeks pass after Nikusa ate a man Y/n wanted to take her out for dinner, for a nice treat! But kept it a surprise.

"Y/n!!! Are we there yet?"

"Not yet"

"*sigh* where are we going anyway?"

"It's a surprise we've been through this"

"You make it really difficult, you know I like surprises"

"Then your really gonna love this one"

"You really like making me wait don't you?"

"We're here take the blindfold off now"

Nikusa removes the blindfold to find that Y/n had taken her to "Waluigi's Taco Palace"


"Yes dear?"

"What is this?"

"Waluigi's taco palace"

"Why here?"

"It's the best restaurant that doesn't cost all of my retirement funds"

"Well... I can give it a shot I guess"

They both step into the restaurant and are seated at one of the tables almost immediately because you KNOW you would've gotten the reservation

"Hello my name is Samuel, how can I serve you today?"

Y/n "My God, Samuel Rodrigues?! Where you been man? I missed you"

Sam: "Y/n! Damn dude you got older, I didn't even recognize you!"

Nikusa: "Oh you know him Y/n?"

Y/n: "yeah, yeah we were buddies back then but I didn't think someone like him would be working here of all places."

Sam: "Ugh well I got In a scuffle with the places founder and he got a hold on my murasama with some cheap tactics. And I've been making a plan to get it back!"

Y/n: "I'd love to help you but ('I have a date' head nod towards Nikusa)"

Sam: "naw man it's fine I'll be back in a bit with some drinks and the special today on the house"

Y/n: "wait how did you-"

Nikusa: "I ordered while you two talked"

Y/n: "Oh. Thank you dear"

Nikusa: "your welcome"

Time passes and you still don't get your food you start to become worried

Y/n: "he's not back yet"

Nikusa: "he's a trained assassin, I'm sure he's fi-

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ive come to make an announcement. It's come to my attention that one of my employees was trying to kill me, and so now we will have to show him what happens when you mess with the likes of WALUIGI!"

Y/n: I fucking knew it.

Nikusa: are we gonna...?

Y/n: no, I have someone to do that for me


Y/n suddenly rings a bell and from the ground emerges a massive pumpkin tearing apart most of the guards except for Waluigi.

Waluigi: Well, well, well... look at what we have here. A pumpkin, a bitch, and YOU I recognize you

Y/n: not for long

Nikusa jumps at Waluigi almost getting a bite at his face but he dodged a the last second and he slams his fist into Nikusa's face flying her back into the wall.

Waluigi: Pathetic

Jarold wrapped a vine around Waluigi's leg and slammed him against the ceiling, cracking it. But Waluigi unleashes a powerful blast paralyzing the poor pumpkin

Y/n: Now you've done it

In a flash of light the room was gone replaced with a pitch black void with only 3 things Waluigi, Y/n, and the moon. Barely visible, seemingly glaring at him. UNNERVING HIM. he didn't know whether he should fight or flight but he can't move anyways. As Y/n stepped closer he said one thing

Y/n: Do you think the black moon howls?

Waluigi: W-Wah

Suddenly all at once he felt his whole body break. His bones shattering. His tendons snapping. His flesh melting. He tried to scream but it was all overpowered by the HOWLING

Y/n: Yes, yes it does

Everyone was shocked when Waluigi fell to the floor, without warning with no way to discern what happened to him, but all that mattered now to you was how Nikusa and Jeremy was.

Y/n: Jarold!, Nikusa! You two ok?

Nikusa: Yeah we're ok

Jeremy Wimpered as he shrunk back down


As Nikusa and Y/n were driving home with Jeremy in the backseat.

Nikusa: Y/n

Y/n: Hm...?

Nikusa: I love you

Y/n: I love you too.

And thus, they went back home to relax for a few days

Note: Thank you all SO MUCH for being patient with me and my lazy ass.

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