Void queen, screen demon, and ___ _____ ____

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While Y/n and Nikusa were sleeping peacefully a thunderstorm had formed and lightning struck down nearby and woke Y/n up with a jolt

"F-fuckin hell!"

Y/n was sitting there trying to calm himself down and as soon as he makes progress lightning strikes down again lighting up the house and scaring the shit out of Y/n.

"God damn it!"

The yelling upstairs caused Nikusa to wake up and see that it was a thunderstorm Y/n had peeked open the door and saw Nikusa looking out the window watching the rain, she looked peaceful and Y/n didn't want to bother her but another lightning bolt struck and it caused Y/n to jump causing him to fall down the stairs


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah just in pain that's all"

"You sure? That lightning sounded like spooked you."

"Ok I may not be good right now but as long as I got someone to talk to, I can get through it." As he finished that sentence a bolt struck really close making him cling to Nikusa out of fear.

"Here, let me bring you someplace where you can be comfterble"

"Whaddya mea-" and before he could finish that sentence the world around him shifted, the sounds of rain and thunder became more and more distant and the living room twisted and distorted and the couch disappeared and a rock sat in its place and a blank white void stared down at you

"Is this better?"

"Very- how did you do this?"

"I'm the void queen Y/n, I can drag anyone into the void"

"Even me"

The voice made Y/n jump and Nikusa turned around to find a demon standing there glaring at Nikusa

"What do you want?"

"Let me out NOW" he was getting impatient with her and Nikusa only stood up and looked him in the eye and responded with

"Who do you think YOU ARE?"

They just stared eachother down and Y/n didn't want to have something bad happen to his new roomie so he interjected as the demon threw a punch

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Hm? You don't know what she is?"

"What she is?! What is she an object you little shit!?"

"Do you think she actually cares about you? Your nothing to her!"

"what makes you think that I care what she thinks of me? I'm just happy that someone is here with me."

"That desperate huh? Maybe this'll knock some sense in you!"

The screen demon slammed his fist into Y/n's face


"How dare you touch me"

"Eh? What? Are you gonna cry?"


'She tried to stop it but she was too late anyways'

"People like you disgust me, it's why I prefer the maze, it's quiet and peaceful"

"The fuck are you on kid?!"

"On this ass whooping"


Y/n then kicks the demon off the ledge and deeper into the void and Y/n then collapses onto the ground as Nikusa was trying to process what just happened

" *sigh* let's just bring you back home Y/n, I don't think I'll be bringing you back down here"

Blue, so much blue...

It's blinding...

Make it stop...

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