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You were driving home, it was 7:30 at night. It was a nice drive you were listening to your favorite song. And as you pull in walk to the entrance and walk into your house you put your coat on the rack and sit down on the couch which feels alot, comfier than
usual. You shift around and then, suddenly,

"are you ok?"

That instantly made you shoot up and turn around to find a beautiful tall woman with white skin long, white hair with pink on the inside and pink, seemingly glowing eyes. She was wearing a black, tanktop jumpsuit with a jacket over it. You stared at her in utter disbelief wondering

"How the hell did you get in here?"

"Simple, I used the key"

"The one under the doormat?"


"But if you did you would realize that it's a fake"

"So that's when I reached for the one behind the pumpkin"

"But that ones a fake too"

"Exactly so I opted for the one-"

"Whedged in the Crack of cement on the step" you both say in unison

"Clever girl" you say letting yourself rest a little "what's your name pal?"

"Nikusa, Nikusa Chiragus"

"Nice name"

"Thank you"

"The names Y/n, I didn't expect to have a new roommate today so you'll have to excuse the mess." You say sitting back down on the couch

"You aren't concerned about some Stanger in your house?"

"Should I be concerned?"


"Well then there you go"

You decide to offer Nikusa a tour of the place.

"Oh, no thank you, I've already looked around"

"Nonesense, I bet you didn't know this!"

You say as you pull a lever on the side of the loveseat and it swings into a full couch-bed.

"Oh! Very lovely"


You grab a few spare blankets and pillows from your room and lay the out for Nikusa making her in the bed basically

"Why are you doing this?"

"Your my new roommate, gotta treat you with upmost respect until you get comfortable here"

"Didn't expect a man like yourself to be so kind"

"I may not look it but my heart is a heart of gold, I always want what's best for who I care for"

"Well I must thank you for you hospitality Y/n, it really has been a pleasure"

"Same for me roomie" you say as you wall upstairs into your bedroom to get settled in for the night as you crawl in bed and lye there waiting for sleep to take you, you calmly whisper to yourself "I'm not so lonely anymore am I?" As you peacefully fall asleep.

*The next day*

Nikusa woke up remembering what had happened the day before and pulled the couch-bed back down and found a note on the table beside it

"Hey Nikusa! I had to go down to work early so I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye. But there is food in the fridge, and if you get lonely, my little buddy Jarold is sleeping in his pot in my room! Anyways, I'll see you when I get home."

Your roommate,

(Who's Jarold?)

Suddenly a noise came from Y/n's room Nikusa went to investigate and found a pumpkin? It was alive and when Nikusa entered the room it noticed her. It made a noise that resembled Y/n's voice




"Are you... hungry?"

It nods

"Uhm what do you eat"

It points at a note next to its pot

Foods: seeds (in fridge)
Likes: board games (monopoly)
Dislikes: Operation (the game)

"So you're Jarold huh?"

Jarold nods again

"You want some seeds?"

Jarold nods eagerly

"Alright let me grab them"

As Nikusa walks out Jarold says something



"Jarold, out"

"You want out of the room?"

Jarold nods


Nikusa takes Jarold out of the room and sets him on the counter next to the fridge she reaches in and finds the seeds next to a dead flower (Interesting) Nikusa thought and she grabbed the seeds and fed a few to Jarold


"You're welcome

As Nikusa walks back to the couch, Jarold in hand, she gets a call from Y/n

"Hey Nikusa!"

"Hi, how did you get my number?"

"Oh, uh while you were asleep I put my number in your phone and vise versa. Sorry if thats weird"

"No, no, you're fine I was just curious"

"Ah OK, now the reason I called is because I was let off work early! I'm coming back home right now!"

"Oh that's wonderful!"

"I know right! I'm pulling up to the street now."

"I'll see you then"

"You too, bye!"


And a truck pulls in the driveway and Y/n steps out of it, he's wearing a straw hat and gloves with a white t-shirt with sweatpants. He walks in the house and finds Nikusa watching TV with Jarold

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Y/n, how's it going?"

"It's going great now that I'm back home with you guys!"


"You wanna play Monoploply little guy?'

Jarold nods

"Alright little buddy"

And so you three played monopoly for five hours, you passed out after hour four and Nikusa put you on the couch as she finished the match with Jarold and after that she brought you up to your room and put up the couch-bed and laid down slowly drifting off to sleep.

A Book Of Lies (Nikusaxmale!reader)Where stories live. Discover now