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They boarded up the room, leaving us trapped. Unaware that we were still conscious.

We didn't die in the suits.. well, our bodies did, but our souls attached themselves to the suits.

We became immortal.

But that wasn't what we wanted. That wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to save my son from death. But that ultimately backfired, leaving me trapped in this damned suit and leaving my son to rot in a coma in the hospital.

The pain was unbearable. Metal woven into my skin, piercing it from every angle. Moving was too painful. Speaking was just bearable.

"W-william?" I asked, hoarsely.

"Yes, Darling?" His voice was just as raspy as mine. It sounded like someone had put our vocal cords in a blender.

"I hear-" I coughed painfully. "I hear people.."

"Hey, what's behind these boards?" A man's muffled voice asked.

"I dunno. I think it used to be the backstage room?" A woman replied, her voice obscured from the wall as well.

"Break 'em down?"

"Break 'em down, buddy."

The boards went flying as the man kicked the boards down, breaking them.

"Woah!" The man pinched his nose. "This place wreaks! What died in here?!"

Us. And five children.. but we've been rotting in here for god knows how long.

"Never mind the smell, look, Tom!" The woman exclaimed as she pointed at William and I.

"Holy shit!" The man rested his hand on his head. "A real animatronic from the pizzeria! We can use it!"

I glared at the pair, wanting to push them out of the way and beeline for the exit, however, I was in no condition to move.

"Dana! Quick, call them! Tell them we found two animatronics to use!"

Use for what?

Next thing I knew, some mover guys picked me and William up.

The pain was unbearable, worse than ever. It felt like I was being springlocked again.

I couldn't yell; my mangled vocal cords wouldn't allow me to. I could speak, yes, but I couldn't yell.

I could tell William couldn't, either. He looked at me with nothing but pain as they loaded us into a moving truck.

"It was so cute! It was like they were in love!" The woman exclaimed to the men as she stood in front of us, glancing down. "The bird's beak was up against the rabbit's mussel. Like they were kissing!" She squealed, making the men roll their eyes and walk away.

The woman moved my head to lean on William's shoulder.

"There! Just like before!" She giggled.

"Thank you." I croaked out, barely above a whisper.

The woman's eyes widened. "Did- did you just speak?!"

I remained silent.

The woman looked at me, her gaze trailing to my hand, then to my ring.

"Oh wow! What a gorgeous ring!" She reached for it, attempting to take it off of me.

My hand flew to her throat, gripping it tightly. My arm burned with pain, but I wasn't going to let this bitch steal my ring.

"Ah! Wha- gah!!" She yelled as I tightened my grip.

It was my ring from my William! How dare she try to steal it from me.

"That's mine" I hissed, feeling my vocal cords burn. But my anger fueled me. It numbed the pain, it made me feel powerful.

I felt strong again, stronger than I'd ever felt when I was alive.

"Dana? What's going on- What the hell?!" Her partner yelled as he saw my hand tightly wrapped around her neck.

"He-lp.." Her voice was strained as I restricted her vocal cords.

The man rushed up and, with all his might, kicked me in the head, making me loosen my grip on her throat. My grip was just loose enough for her to wiggle away, gasping for air.

"What the hell happened?!" The man asked.

"I- I don't know! She just grabbed me outta nowhere!"

Wasn't outta nowhere, you cunt. You tried to steal my engagement ring!

"I thought these things were deactivated!" She glared at me and William.

"Whatever. These things are creepy. Let's just get you some ice or something and get them back to Fazbear's."

Fazbear's? Isn't that the name of the business that bought the diner? Yeah, Fazbear entertainment...

"Yeah, alright." The woman slammed the truck doors, leaving me and William in darkness.

"Heh, willing to kill a woman for trying to take your ring, huh?" William chuckled.

"Ey, it's my ring from you. I ain't letting anybody take it from me!"

"Wasn't it painful, though?" William winced in pain as he tilted his head.

"Hardly; I was so angry that the anger seemed to numb the pain. I felt... delirious with my newfound strength."

"Huh... I wonder what we'd be capable if we couldn't feel pain at all in these bodies..." William stood up, groaning in pain. "The pain hurts so bad, but the thrill is exciting. I think I love the thrill more than I hate the pain."

"I did like the way I felt when I had power over the lady.." I smirked, standing up.

I felt every piece of metal shift throughout my body as I moved. I inhaled sharply as the pain overwhelmed me.

My legs began to give out. I stumbled forward, being caught in William's arms.

I looked up, seeing how time had obscured my beloved's face. I could only assume mine was the same.

"I wish I could kiss you, my dearest."
William cooed as he brought Bonnie's mussel to Chica's beak.

"I may not be able to see your face all that well, but I'm sure you're just as beautiful as I remember."

We stood there, embracing each other in our faux kiss when finally the truck came to a halt.

"Alright, get 'em inside. Those creepy things have already caused me enough trouble." Dana groaned, hopping out of the truck holding her neck, tenderly.

William and I feel limp, almost as of we were toys in Toy Story.

The door to the truck opened as the mover guys began to unload us and bring us inside.

An Eternity Well Spent (Sequel) || William Afton//SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now