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*One year later*

Dennis moved in with Charlie right away and they took Emily in

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Dennis moved in with Charlie right away and they took Emily in. After six months, they got married and officially adopted her. Emily handled everything surprisingly well. She was devastated about Gog, but also he terrified her, so she was somewhat relieved. She loves Charlie and Dennis. And loves Mrs. Severs, enjoying being able to call her grandma and having her close by. She doesn't know the truth about what happened to her brother, or about him starting the fire that killed Scarlett, but Charlie and Den agreed it wasn't something she ever needed to know.

"Oi! Rob! How the fuck do I handle a fucking teenager?" Charlie yells as she walks into the break room at the firehouse. It's just about the end of shift. The Watch is all going out for Dennis' birthday after so they told Charlie, Mal, and Trish to meet them there.

Rob pulls Charlie down beside him on the couch. "How the fuck would I know? I ain't got one of'em yet."

"Yeah but you have the most kids. Surely all of them together sort of.. act like a teenager. Ain't that how it works? Fuck I don't know."

"You're bloody mad, Chuck. What's wrong with ya?"

"Shut up. I got pregnancy brain." As soon as the words come out, she clamps her mouth shut.

"Sorry, you said what now?" Mal asks.

"Nothing." She says quickly.

Ziggy rushes over and jumps on the couch. "You're pregnant?! Congratulations!" She throws her arms around Charlie.

"What's Emily gunna think about it?" Mince asks.

"The way her bratty little 14 year old self is, she'll either hate it or not give a rats arse."

"Can't believe Asbo didn't tell us. How's he feel about it?"

Charlie makes a whoops face at Kev's question. "Charlie! He doesn't know?" Trish questions.

"No he doesn't know! I was gunna tell him tonight."

The door swings open and Dennis walks in with a smile. "Tell me what?"

Rob walks up and claps a hand on his shoulder. "You're gonna be a dad! Again! Well actually, does Emily call you guys mum and dad? That'd be a bit weird, wouldn't it? If she was actually yours, she'd been born when you were like... ten."

"Rob shut your bloody mouth." Kev fusses.

Dennis chuckles, feeling so confused. "What the fuck are you on about, Snip?"

"Rob..." Charlie warns.

"Wait." Dennis scratches his chin. "You said "a dad again". What... what does that mean?"

"Means ya wifey's got a bun in the oven!" Little Al cheers.

Charlie buries her face in her hands

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Charlie buries her face in her hands. Dennis rushes over and kneels in front of her. "Chuck... you're pregnant?"

She slowly lets her hands drop and nods. "I found out last week. Was gunna tell ya tonight but I.. accidentally blabbed it to these wankers." She glares at Rob.

"You serious? We're having a baby?"

She nods and smiles sheepishly. "Happy birthday, love."

Dennis pulls her into a hug, spinning around and laughing. "Woohooo!!! We're having a baby!" He sets her down, unable to rid the grin on his face. "I love you so much."

Charlie kisses him. "I love you too, Dennis."

He bends down and gets close to Charlie's stomach. "And I love you little one. So much. I can't wait to meet you."

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