Chapter 13

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Charlie goes back to her flat and breaks down again. A good cry, that's what she needs and then she can move on. Gog is sitting on the couch of his flat and has just smoked a blunt. He lays back and falls into a deep sleep. Kev is at the pub waiting for what feels like hours, though it's only minutes. The nervousness continues to grow in his stomach before he finally takes off back to the Estate.

Rosa reaches Gog's flat and pulls a gas can out of the grocery bag. She opens the mail slot and pours the gas inside, lights a match, and throws it through. She puts the can back in the bag as flames take over the door and walks away without looking back. The flat quickly catches on fire. Emily slowly crawls to Gog and tries to wake him, but he remains unconscious. She cries and begs him to wake up.

Kev walks by the tree and spots Rosa's cross necklace. He studies it and then notices smoke coming from upstairs. Emily is banging on the window, crying for help. Dennis is standing in the kitchen and spots the smoke as well. He rushes out to help. Kev arrives and kicks the door down, finding Emily laid on the floor just inside. He picks her up and walks out just as Dennis arrives.

"Quick! She needs CPR."

Den takes her. "'Em. Emily, can you hear me?" He walks away and lays her down, trying to wake her up.

Kev goes back inside to look for Gog. He's finally woken up as the room is roaring with flames. "Oi! I'm over here!"

Kev sticks his hand out. "Come on. You can do it."

"It's too hot!"

"Take it! You're nearly there! Come on!"

Gog remains in the same spot, panicking and coughing. Kev stares at him for a moment before grabbing the door and slamming it shut. He runs out of the flat, running into Den who was just about to come find him.

"It's too late, Den." They run out and Kev carries Emily outside. Once they're safely away from the flames, they stop to catch their breath. Dennis' brows furrow. Kev walks closer. "It's over. You're different to him. You're a good man. We're good men."

"Do you think Rosa-"

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"Do you think Rosa-"

"I think we walked Rosa home. I think Rosa was a long way away from here when this happened, don't you?"

It starts to sink in to Dennis that Kev left Gog in there on purpose. He takes Emily from Kev and starts walking backwards away from him.

"Dennis? Where are you going?"

"You watch them bring him out of there." He spits out. "I fucking ain't."

"Dennis." Kev calls after him. "Dennis! Yeah. Cause that's it! You didn't stick around for me either, did you, Asbo?"

The fire trucks pull up and Kev runs away. He runs upstairs to Charlie's flat and knocks on the door. Charlie peers through the window and sees a very distressed Kev standing outside. When she opens the door, she hears the rescue sirens and sees the smoke.

"Kev, what-"

He gently pushes her back so he can shut the door behind him. He lifts his burnt hand. "Can you help me with this?"

She scans his face, noticing the thin layer of soot covering it. She sighs heavily. "In the kitchen. Take a seat."

She grabs her medkit and sits across from him, inspecting the burns on his palm. He watches her, tilting his head to see her face more clearly. "Have you been crying?"

"No." She says harshly as she glances up at him. "Care to tell me what happened?"


"Don't bloody lie to me, Kev. Fire brigade shows up, there's smoke coming from Gog's flat, and you show up with a burn on your hand. So if I'm going to help you, you're going to tell me the truth." He stares at her in silence. "Did you set the fire?"

"No. Rosa did."

She freezes for a second. "Was Emily there?"

"Yes. Dennis took her to the hospital."

"And... Gog?"

Kev leans forward, gently grabbing her chin and pulling so she meets his eyes. "He's dead. I did try, Charlie." His voice cracks. "He was freaking out and wouldn't move. There was fire everywhere. I couldn't get through. That's how I got burned. I reached out through the fire."

"Then there's nothing you could've done."

He leans back. "There's plenty I could've done. But instead I shut the door and ran out."

She finishes wrapping his hand and then holds it in hers. "Does Dennis know?"

He nods. "Didn't agree with it."

She lets out a sharp laugh. "Of course not. For what it's worth, Kev, I'm glad you did it. He never would've gone to prison. He would've kept terrorizing all of us. And how long until someone else would've died by his hand?" She shakes her head. "Just hope Emily is okay."

"I think she'll be fine. You won't tell anyone will you? About me or Rosa?"

"Course not. Surprised Rosa waited this long to do something, honestly." She nods down at his hand. "Just keep it clean. Burns aren't very bad so it shouldn't take long to heal."

Kev stands and pulls Charlie up into a hug. "Thank you."

Charlie returns the embrace. "I love you dearly, Kev. Thank you," she steps back, "for forgiving Dennis."

"He's a good man, he just got mixed up with a bad guy. I've gotta go, I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Bye, love."

She cleans off the kitchen table and washes her hands. There's another knock on the door and she opens it thinking it might be Kev again.

"Hey Chuck."

"Dennis. What are you doing here?"

He rubs the back of his head. "Ehm... there's a barbecue at work... It's Mal's last day. I know they'd all want you to be there so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" She crosses her arms and he nervously shoves his hands in his pockets. "For them. No-not for me. You don't have to do it for me."

The corners of her mouth twitch, giving a hint of a smile as her arms drop to her sides

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The corners of her mouth twitch, giving a hint of a smile as her arms drop to her sides. "I do love that lot. Been worried about them since the tunnel... yeah sure. I'll come."

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