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The genin Team Minato was once again together, something Kakashi never would have thought could happen. It was nice, although it would have been better under different circumstances. "Wow, Kakashi-kun look at you. You're all big and grown up, you too Obito. Wow, you've a full Sharingan too, but what's with your other eye?"

Obito just stammered, "You...you're here. It's really you. Rin-chan...my sweet Rin-chan."

Rin laughed, "Yeah, but how are you alive, how am I alive? I've been to the afterlife and this isn't it."

Naruto smiled, "We needed your help, I had Sasuke revive you."

Rin looked at him, "Wow, you look just like Minato-sensei, are you related?"

Naruto gave his foxy grin, "Yup, I'm his son!"

Rin nodded, "He said they had a son, if I had been thinking I would have came to visit?"

Naruto was confused, "Wait, what do you mean come to visit?"

Rin giggled, "Well, if I know where you are I can come see you. I can't just randomly find someone, but if I have a general area to look in I can come to this plane and watch. I can't talk or change anything but I can watch. Oh wait, I do remember you, you've been there with Kakashi-kun a few times."

Kakashi looked at her with wide eyes, "You actually came to see me, even after I was the one who killed you?"

Rin shook her head, "You did what a friend asked of you, nothing more. I'm not angry in the least. I didn't come see you much though, most of my time was spent trying to find Obito-kun."

Obito raised an eyebrow, "Looking for me?"

Rin frowned and nodded, "You weren't in paradise, and I know you're too kind to go anywhere else. I kept looking for you here, so did Minato-sensei and Kushina-san. Obito, have you really been the one leading the Akatsuki, doing all of this."

Obito looked like he suddenly remembered who he was, "Yes, I'm going to end the pain in this world. Everyone will have their personal paradise in their head. No more pain, no more death, no more watching everything you care about burn to ash."

Rin gasped, "You really believe that?"

Obito looked down, "It's all I've got left…"

Rin ran up to him, "Obito-kun, who did this to you? This isn't you, this is shell of the boy I fell in love with."

Obito looked up, "Wait...you...you mean you…"

She hugged him, "Not until after we became teammates. I started to like you when I saw how kind you were, and the way you never gave up. I saw the bruises Obito-kun, but you still were always worried about others before yourself. When you save my life and I thought you were dead is when I really realized it. Obito-kun, what happened to you."

Obito didn't hug her back, though he wanted to, "Madara happened, he showed a way to end this worlds pain, I felt it was necessary. I still think it might be…"

Rin hugged him tighter, "That's the problem Obito-kun…"

Obito sighed, "I know, you're going to say I'm horrible and that I'm a monster…"

Rin shook her head again, "Not a monster, just not the brightest person around. Obito-kun, you always thought that it was your job to carry the weight of the world for everyone. You only have two hands Obito-kun. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you when you needed it."

Obito finally returned the hug, "Don't you dare say that. This isn't your fault...it's mine. What the hell have I done?" He looked around at the devastation, "Good god, what the hell have I done!?"

Politics in the Mist «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now