Chapter 4

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I'm out of chapter names... Lol

The Jet

Over an airport in South Africa

1500 hours

Saturday, September 14th

Ben's POV

"Landing in 5, get in your seats, please." Catherine called from the cockpit. We all sat down, Erica next to me, Mike across from me, Zoe next to him, and Chip and Jawa on the end.

We started into our slow descent and a few minutes later, we landed. The touchdown was smooth, and we all got up when we stopped. "Well, I guess we're here." Mike said. "Yep, and now go grab your bags." Catherine said, stepping out of the cockpit.

I grabbed my suitcase, and we all headed out. We rented a nice SUV at the airport, and we decided to grab some food. We all got burgers, except for Catherine and Erica. "So what's the plan?" I asked. "We need to check into our hotel, and do some recon." "Where?" "Wherever there is suspicious activity." Catherine said. "We have cameras set up all over the city." Cyrus said. "We will have a couple of you monitoring them at all times." "We should probably check into the hotel soon." Erica said. "We'll check in when we all finish." Catherine said.

We all finished our food, and we headed to our hotel. "This is pretty nice." I said "We booked two rooms for all of us." Catherine said. "We will be divided into two groups. There are two beds in the main room, and one in a separate bedroom. Alexander and I will share the bedroom, Erica and Zoe will take the beds. In the other room, Cyrus will get the bedroom, and the rest of you will share the beds." Said Catherine. "Let's go to our room!" Mike exclaimed, grabbing my arm. "Alright! Alright, I'm coming, you don't have to haul me." Mike let go of my arm and we walked to our room. It was connected to the other room, with a locked door. Mike and I grabbed the bed closest to the window, and Chip and Jawa got the other. "I'm tired." Mike said while yawning. "Well you don't get to rest, you have first duty on the cams." Erica said, walking in. "Why, me?" "Because you were complaining about being tired." "OH COME ON!" Mike yelled annoyed, and walked over to the computers that were set up. The rest of us all went to bed, and Mike looked at me jealous. "Why can't I sleep?" He asked. "Because you complained, now get to work." I said jokingly and set my head down. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Hope you like this short chapter, and Thank you for over 60 views!

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