The Jet

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I hope you all like this part, it is pretty short, like the others, but to update daily, I can't make them very long. But without further ado, here's chapter 3!

Ben's Dorm Room

CIA Academy of Espionage

0200 hours

Friday, September 13th

Ben's POV

          I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off. "Stupid alarm" I said as I shut it off. I went to get dressed in my suit I got from Catherine when I was on the run a while back. It was a little small but I squeezed it on after my shower. I hesitantly packed a handgun, grabbed two grenades, and warm clothes. My clock read 2:25 so I hurried down to the gates to see that everyone was already there except for Mike, who came a couple minutes later, receiving cold glares from Cyrus and Erica. "Now that he's finally here, it's time to go." Said Cyrus. "Are we flying commercial, or private?" I asked. "Private, because otherwise we would have to stop a few times." Erica said. "Ok." I said gratefully, as we stepped into the SUV.

                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

            When we got to the air strip, we saw Alexander checking everything. Catherine started checking it too. "Hi Kids!" Alexander said happily. "Hi Alexander" We all said. "Well we better get going! Get in the plane." I walked up the stairs into our private jet. It wasn't too bad, 3 small bedrooms, and a bunch of pretty comfortable chairs. I went to put my bag in a bedroom, and Mike followed me, while Erica begrudgingly followed her. Chip and Jawa took the last room. I layed down to rest after Catherine and Cyrus got into the cockpit and informed us that it would be about an 18 hour flight.

                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

            I awoke to the sound of a loud shriek, and when I looked out the window I saw a small missile coming in hot. I ran out to find Erica, Chip, Zoe, and Jawa all already awake. Somehow Mike and Alexander didn't wake up. "What do we do?!?!" I asked worriedly. "We have to try and take it down!" Erica yelled over the incoming missile. She grabbed a RPG and Catherine armed the external guns from the cockpit. Erica threw open the door and grabbed on to the door, we were losing oxygen, but we had no choice. She had to hold onto me to steady herself, she aimed and was about to fire when we hit a patch of turbulence. "I can't fire in if we are shaking like this!" she yelled. We steadied but the missile was coming quickly. We had been able to maneuver away from the missile for a while, but it was too close now. "I'm gonna fire!" Her finger tensed on the trigger, and "BOOOOOOOMMM!!!" The RPG roared and hit the missile. The collision caused a massive explosion, and Erica lost her balance. She was about to fall out, but I snagged her arm. "HOLD ON TIGHT!!!" I screamed. My friends helped me haul her up, and when we got back in we closed the door. Erica ran over to me and hugged me. "Thank you" She said scaredly. "Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, you're safe now." I said and hugged her tight. Catherine walked out and gave a smirk, before engulfing Erica and me in a hug. "Thank you, Benjamin"

Thank you for all the views! We already have over 30! Thank you all, and have a great day!

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