Meeting Y/N's parents

385 13 3

(Requested by X-X-X3)

"Artem stop getting nervous."

Y/N's parents had called her and asked for her and Artem to visit them, they were mainly excited about Artem visiting, who on the other hand was getting nervous and shy.

"I'm not sure... what if they-"
"And that is the 10th 'what if'. Artem they are happier about seeing you than me, which shouldn't be surprising..."
"Are you-"
"Yes Artem I'm sure. Now come on."

They both exited Artem's car and walked towards the door of Y/N's parents, Y/N dragging Artem along by his hand. Y/N calmly reached for the knocker with the other hand.

"Finally you are here!"

Y/N's mum opened the door and smiled at Artem.

"We have been wanting to meet you for quite a while Artem. How about you come in?"
"And what am I? A roach?", Y/N said, pouting.
"At least you know I feel like all the time.", Y/N dad said, patting the top of her head as he usually did.
"Guess you weren't lying... but you do over-react."
"Shush, that was supposed be a secret girl."

Y/N giggled.

"Y/N! Don't just let him stand outside!"
"Yeah, yeah, got it."

Y/N and Artem walked into the house and walked into a small yet comfortable living room. Y/N collapsed onto the sofa when her mum continued doting over Artem.

"Make yourself comfortable Artem."
"Um... alright."
"Y/N what are doing?"
"Get up and help me wash the dishes."
"This isn't fair."
"You're my daughter, so, get up and wash the dishes."
"Fine.", Y/N groaned.

She walked away into the kitchen, complaining while her mum gave a lecture. However as soon as they had entered the kitchen her mum broke into a smile.

"He is a very sweet boy. Does he treat you well? Has he taken you on dates? Does he-"
"Mum. Calm down."
"You've never gotten a boyfriend before, it's not my fault for being excited."
"Yeah yeah."
"So when are you two getting married?"
"Mum! We've been dating for 2 weeks!"
"I- I really don't think..."

Y/N blushed and looked away from her mum.

"You like him a lot don't you?"

. . .

"So you're the great Artem Wing?", Y/N's dad said.
"Yes sir."
"There isn't any need to be formal with me boy. Just surprised that Y/N got a boyfriend."
"Why is that?"
"Well, she never talks to boys. Too shy for that."
"I see."
"What are you two talking about?", Y/N said, draping herself over Artem's broad shoulders.
"Oh just how you suddenly got a boyfriend even though you are annoying."
"Dad seriously?"
"Yes. You didn't force the poor boy did you?"
"I can't believe you..."
"Ah I'm only joking, though you are quite annoying..."
"And never listen to anyone..."
"Sounds like you are describing yourself.", her mum said, "I still don't know why I'm still with you."
"It's because of my charming personality and handsome face."
"I Doubt that."
"Oh come on."
"Y/N you still need to help me make lunch."
"Why me..."
"Ah Mrs. L/N if you don't mind may I help?"
"Oh no, you are a guest here Artem you can't-"
"Please Mrs. L/N."
"Oh... alright."

Y/N and Artem walked away from her parents.

"Your parents are quite charming."
"Hm... more like embarrassing. They love you more than they love me... cheaters."
"Don't say that. I'm sure they love you."
"But they love you more. Not that I'm not complaining."
"Oh really?"
"Artem you-"

Artem brought her closer and Y/N quickly placed her hands on his chest to steady herself. He quickly caught her chin and brought her closer...


Y/N quickly jumped away from Artem, her face red hot. Artem looked even more embarrassed than her.


Artem and Y/N looked at each other before quickly looking away. Y/N's mum sighed.

"Weren't you two saying you were going to help with lunch? Hm?"

Y/N and Artem quickly shuffled away, Y/N's father's laughs clearly audible.

. . .

"I never thought you would be this good at cooking Artem."
"Ah, it's not much. I only a few basic home dishes."
"Doesn't feel like it.", Y/N mumbled.
"Y/N don't be rude."
"But I'm not!"
"Mrs. L/N, Mr. L/N, I'm afraid I have to leave."
"Why don't you stay for a little longer?", Y/N's mother said.
"Mum... if he needs to go let him."
"I actually need to deal with a client."
"Today? But it's Saturday."
"I'm sorry Mrs. L/N it's very unexpected."
"It's not your fault, however..."
"However?", Y/N said, confused.
"Don't annoy him, I know what you are like."
"Me? Annoy Artem?'re right."
"Alright then. Goodbye you two."

Artem and Y/N left and drove away from her parent's home.

"So? Still nervous?"
Y/N laughed and kissed Artem's cheek, "Don't worry about it. Besides I haven't met your parents yet."

Artem suddenly got flustered, opened his mouth to open something but quickly closed it.

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