Chapter 7

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2 weeks later

Artem raised his eyes to the red bean tree in front of him. One of it’s fallen branches in his hand; the other holding an umbrella.

"Most people don’t see a red bean tree blooming boy. You should consider yourself lucky.", said the old man beside him, "However you won’t be able to take any of these with you."
"I understand."

Artem sighed and walked back to his car underneath the rain. He had thought he would give something to her; he would now have to think about something else.

"Wait here."

Artem stood there confused as the old man went inside his home and came out with a jar of red beans.

"I remembered picking these off of that red bean tree of yours. Maybe you can give these to her. The date of the year is at the bottom."
"Thank you."

Artem took the jar and looked underneath it, his eyes widening.

It’s the same year we met for the first time. 

He remembered it clearly. Y/N was in her second year in Stellis university in the library, studying for her upcoming exams. Artem was making one of his usual trips to the library. She had been very quiet and nervous with him. Artem smiled at the old man in front of him.

"I’ll get going then."
"Alright boy."

Artem left, leaving the old man on the side of the road.

Poor boy. Hope it works.

. . .

Y/N was getting ready in her apartment as Artem had asked her to go with him for the evening. She straightened her black dress which reached her thighs and checked the laces at the back before slipping into black heels.

This is really making me nervous... I don’t even know if I look good.

She stood up to look at herself in the mirror. Her h/c hair had been forced straight and her diamond earrings shone by the sunshine coming in from the window behind her, illuminating her frame. Just as she grabbed her black purse there was a sudden knock on her door.

Oh God it’s him. Okay try not to look like an idiot Y/N.

She went to open the door and couldn’t help but blush a little. Artem was dressed in a black shirt which gave his blue sapphire-like eyes more brighter and gentle-looking than they had ever been.

"Hello Artem."
"Hello Y/N. You look beautiful today as always."

Y/n blushed at the statement.

"Um, should we get going?"
"Of course."

They exited Y/N’s apartment and walked towards the city’s garden while talking about their weekends.

"I ended up not working this time."
"Artem Wing? Not working? What kind of magic did that take?"
"You told me to take days off remember? So, I listened to you this time."
"That’s a relief. Otherwise you would be looking like a regular corpse right now."

Artem laughed.

"Hey! You can’t deny it!"
"I’m not."
"Good. And don’t try to."
"Not with you around."
"Hey, that isn’t fair.", Y/n said, placing her hands on her hips.
"Alright. I’m sorry, happy?"

They looked at each other and Y/N suddenly burst out in laughter.

"I sound like my mother all of a sudden.", Y/N wiped her eyes, "She tells me off for everything."
"No wonder why."
"I think I’m starting to rub off you. I’m supposed to be the sarcastic one."
"You still are."

They reached the garden and walked around before finding themselves near a maze in a greenhouse. They both decided to try it out.

"I’m really bad at mazes so sorry if I’m a idiot."
"Don’t worry take your time."

Y/N ended up making them walking into dead ends everywhere.

"I hate mazes now."
"It’s not so hard as you think."
"What do you mean?"

Artem took Y/N hand in his large own one and lead her through the maze as she stared at the back of his head in confusion.

"It can always just be in reach; you just need to work harder."

He is defiantly not talking about the maze.

He lead her to a straight, sunshine lit path where a stuffed bear was in the middle.

"Artem how..."

Artem smiled and shrugged. Y/N walked and grabbed the bear before looking at her watch.

"We only have 5 minutes."
"Then let’s go."

Artem took her hand again, feeling comforted by his soft and gentle hand.

They exited the maze just before 5 minutes were over. Y/N panted having just run in her heels before standing up straight.

"Did we make it?"
"Yes, but just by a second, so I’m afraid you only get the second prize."

The man handed Y/N a gold and blue decorated keychain.

"Oh well. At least we had fun. Right Artem?"
"Hm.", he said with a soft caring smile on his face, "Y/N can I take you somewhere?"

Y/N walked with Artem to where a water fountain was bubbling softly. He turned to her; a small blush visible on his cheeks.

"Y/N I want to tell you something."
"Artem... did you organize this?"
"Yes, for a while."
"So, what do you want to tell me?"

Artem looked at her and took her hands in his.

"I’m in love with you."

Y/N stared at his face, looking into his pretty sapphire eyes.

"Artem you-"
"I understand if you don’t love me back but-"
"Are you crazy?", she whispered softly, "Artem I...I love you too."
"You do?"
"Of course, I do. Who doesn’t? And why wouldn’t I?"
"Then... can I kiss you?"
"Please do."

Artem pulled her close until their bodies were pressed tightly against each other’s. He placed one hand on her nape; the other around her waist and pulled her closer to kiss her. Y/N placed both of her arms around his neck, her body leaning towards the floor. They both separated, their noses brushing together. They both stood up straight and Artem tucked Y/N’s h/c hair softly behind her ear.

"There is something else..."

Artem pulled out a dice that was on a necklace.

"I made this out of red beans from my red bean tree I planted as a child. These beans were from the year we first met.", he looked at her, “Do you know what red beans symbolise?"
"Don’t they symbolise love and romantic longing?"
"They do. And those are the exact feelings I have for you."

Artem placed the necklace around her neck and kissed her forehead, making her blush even harder.

"However, there is one more thing..."
"What’s that?"
"Don’t place them in your mouth. Raw red beans are poisonous."
"I’ll keep that in mind."

Y/N smiled at Artem, who couldn’t believe that he had gotten what he wanted...Y/N.

If only I had asked her out earlier than this so much could have happened.

"What’s wrong Artem?"
"You are still gonna hide things from me?"
Artem smiled, "It’s not much. I was wondering what could have happened if I had told you earlier."
"I would say the exact same words to you Artem."

Artem looked down at Y/N whose e/c eyes were glittering softly with a beautiful smile on her face which reflected her.

I can never get enough of her. And I never will.

"I will always love you Y/N, and I promise that."

(Totally not screaming in my pillow... this man adorable.)

Artem Wing x Y/N (fem)Where stories live. Discover now