Chapter 2

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Y/N picked up her compact mirror on her desk.

I guess I'll have to cover it up with makeup.

What had happned was that she had an allergic reaction because she now had a rash on her cheek. She quickly checked what she had to do today and noticed that at 1:30am she had a short meeting with Artem to discuss about joining the NXX.

I almost forgot about that...

. . .


Y/N had finished most of her work, and left to meet up with Artem as they had planned. She decided to walk rather than go in her car, as she just couldn't be bothered to do so for a short distance. She reached the coffee shop they had planned to meet at, and saw Artem already there. Y/N walked towards him, checking her watch that she wasn't late.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
"Of course not, I just happened to come early."
"So... where are we going?"
"The NXX headquaters."
"Wait... now?"
"Yes. It will also be an oppertunity to know the other members."

Artem let Y/N into his car and he drove answering her questions about the NXX. They both reached there and went in; Y/N feeling nervous.

"Mr. Von Hagen? And Miss Rosa?"

She saw 4 faces turn towards her.

"What about me?", whined a male in a large coat.
"The world doesn't revolve around you Luke. I am Vyn Richcher and this is Luke Pearce. ", said the other man who Y/N didn't know; he was white haired and wearing gold framed glasses.
"Oh, hi Y/N.", Rosa said, she looked quite tired and fed up of the people around her.
"Hey missy!", Marius said, leaning back and placing his feet on the table, rocking on his chair, "Artem hasn't shut up about you ever since you said you would join."
"Can we please stop fighting?", Rosa piped up, looking at the two tall men glaring at each other, "It's a stupid arguement."
"Um... guys?"

Everyone turned to Y/N, making her feel uncomfortable.

Rise and shine anxiety!

"Um.. nevermind."
"Wait! What is her code name gonna be?", Luke said quickly.
"Code name?"
"To keep people from knowing our identity.", Vyn said.
"Oh... then who is who?"
"I'm Raven, Vyn is adjudicator, Artem's Libra and Marium um...", Luke hesitated.
"King. Obviously.", Marius said, smugly.
"I doubt that.", Y/N said quickly.
"Hey that isn't fair."
"Y/N can we keep your code name angel?"
"Wait what?"
"That isn't a bad idea.", Luke said.

Why me?

"Hey Artem don't you have a case to do with an orphange?"
"Ah yes.", he turned to Y/N,"I was wondering if you would like to come."
"Me? But I don't know anything and I might slow you down and-"
"I don't think so, you do offer your views and support."

Are you completly sure about that?

"Um okay."

. . .

"Y/N if you don't mind can I drop you home?"

They both left and Artem dropped her home, he waited outside of her apartment and she saw her wave at him from her window with a big smile on her face, one that Artem didn't often see. He smiled and waved back before leaving.

(This is really short I just ran out of ideas sorry)

Artem Wing x Y/N (fem)Where stories live. Discover now