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"Bondita i will give you the answers!"
Saudamani moved forward to touch Bondita shoulder and made her sit on the bed beside.
Bondita calmed down a bit while Anirudh stood shedding innumerable tears.

Saudamani jumped across the street going towards her destination, Anirudh's study with an unadulterated laughter.
She quickly reached infront of the closed door to knock and after a while Anirudh opened the door murmuring.
"Oh, Saudamani, good evening!"evening!"

"Good evening, good evening!"
She came inside even before being welcomed still keeping that ghost of smile on her painted red lips.

"Is there something special?!"
Anirudh said examining her overloaded jwellery. She was wearing a heavy minakari saree, a pair of large dangling earings and her hairs in contrast with her regular braid there was a large messy bun, decorated with shining pearls.

"Is it necessary to have something special to decorate myself?!... I just wanted to look beautiful..for myself!"

Soudamini always had few forwarded thoughts but still being another women to the same society her dream was confined to a loving husband, few children..overall a beautiful family .
She lacks the rebel inside her which Bondita possess. Still he wouldn't compare anyone cause everyone is different in their own way.

"I think the people who smiles without any reason is called Maniac!"

"Umm!" She hummed in agree and continue smiling but soon realised the intended pun behind his words.
Her expression changed instantly as she said,"What did you just said.... I am not a maniac!" instantly as she said,"What did you just said.... I am not a maniac!"

"Oh..you are not..i thought you are!"
Anirudh had bit down his lips to hold onto a laugh as he continued teasing her.

"Aniruuuudhhhhhhhhh!!" Mini whined being frustrated as she remembered one of there childhood banter like this.
There relationship had been pure and simple in childhood, just those meaning feelings of infatuation in that turbulent age has led to bring a bitter taste in it.
She is more than happy to be that same carefree child Saudamani again with him.

Saudamani's mind immediately forget everything she was thinking right thr moment as shr again got lost in the lanes of his imaginations.
Her fingers reached her earnings to play with it.

"I did Anirudh!" Her eyes sparkled in joy and fulfilment."I fell in love..ishhh!"
Her red face hidden behind her palm while Anirudh stood with his mouth wide open.

"Is it for real mini!"mini!"
He said with gasp and she nodded finally revealing her flushed face.
"I can't believe!! Who is the lucky person?!"
Forgetting all those bad memories of the past he reacted the way a friend would on getting to know about his friend being in love.

"Ani....Animesh!" She fumbled with the words but said somehow. Her cheeks hurting for smiling constantly.

"Ohhh! You did it,!"
Anirudh felt a heavy weight being taken away from his heart. He swiftly got hold of her hands as they twirled around in the childish happiness, laughing.

"Yes! Yes i did it....i am just waiting for his proposal cause i knew he loves me as well!"

They stopped grasping for some oxygen.

"Why waiting? Why don't you propose?!"
Anirudh said casually.

"Me! How can I? Won't it will quite.."

"It is not like that only a boy can do that... A girl can do as well!"

"I can?!"

"Yes girl!" He motivated her and after giving a thought she finally agreed.

"Fine than!"
Pulling a ring out of her finger sat infront him.

"A rehearsal is necessary!"

Anirudh nodded.

"Will you marry me?!" She asked with emotions flowing in her words. She could she Animesh in place of him smiling.

Anirudh nodded laughing a little and took the ring from her.

The thing that they didn't notice is the small girl peeping through the slight crack, who had witnessed the half of the moment and misunderstood everything.


The large red gobble of fire drown across the blood red sky hiding from all.
The serene atmosphere echoed the sound of repealing waters of the river. The waters turning into golden colour reflecting a calmness.

Anirudh and Bondita sat at bank of the river drowned in their own ocean of thoughts. There was silence all around but not inside them. The  chaos of their hearts more noisy than anything.

A free baby hair of her touched her lips fluttering with the cold wind.

His dried lips whispered the words

Bondita head immediately turned towards him as she looked at him in disbelief.
He was again saying sorry without doing anything.

"Why are you saying sorry. ..it should be me saying sorry...and i am sorry so sorry i again acted childish!"
She tried making the distance disappear between them sliding slightly towards him. Her hands reached to hold his hands but stopped at his.

"Its your age to be childish but me..i should have,.."
She immediately placed her fingers on her own lips indicating him to be silent.

"How long patibabu, how much long will you continue taking all my mistakes upon yourself?!
Stop doing this..it hurts." A lone escaped her large eyes to be wiped away instantly by his tender fingers.
Her wish got fulfilled the moment his fingers clasped her palms close to his heart. The lub-dub of his heart singing the opera of her dreams.

Anirudh never wanted to hurt her. He can never stand a hurt Bondita. She deserves only love and care.can never stand a hurt Bondita. She deserves only love and care.

"Bondita i am grown up and i know the consequences of a heartbreak. I know how it feels!"


His horrified eyes darted back at her. She looked exactly like a wife interrogating her husband. Her eyes demanding answer.

It was a slip of tongue but it did give him a reality check. The bitter truth of their marriage and his past is still unknown to her. She doesn't know him because he have never given her the chance.

Their marriage is not a child marriage anymore, its legall now.
Doesn't she deserves to know the truth being his wife?
She did.
But did he have the power to take in her reaction? No.
He was always afraid of this moment and it arrived. Today.
He have say her. She is young now but what if she grows up and get to know about it from someone else.
Her reaction on getting Soudamini and Anirudh like that was a trailer of her actions.

"Bondita do you trust me?!"
His hands left hers to reach her face and cup her cheeks between his tender fingers. His thumbs caressed her skin as he took a deep breath finally deciding to say everything.

She deserves to know him.

Her innocuous devotion 🦋Where stories live. Discover now