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The tranquil aroma of incense spread in all the corners of Roy Choudhury mansion as  Bondita walk around with a dhuna in her hand.
Not leaving even a single corner.

She slowly entered into his study moving her hands a circular motion spreading the sacred fragrance all around.
Anirudh didn't coughed .
Over the years he got used to it.
Because his Bondita likes to do this.
Her motive was pure.
She just wanted to save him from those damn mosquitoes and make his favourite study fragranted.

After making sure that she is done with all the corners, she ran away to keep it in the puja ghar.

Soon she returned to study with her books.
Som was not present in the haveli, he went kolkata for some important work.
He is a business man now, managing half of his father's business.

Bondita was delighted at the idea of getting taught by her patibabu,after a long time.
She came and made herself sit comfortably on the sofa.
She doesn't have anything to write, so no problem.

"Pati babu, please teach me this books."

Anirudh's busy admiration of her cute antics come to a halt as he looked her confused.

"Bondita today was the last day of your school. What do you want to study.?"
He really didn't understood what she was doing.
He still had not bought her, her college books.
So what.

"Your books, i will study your books. I got them in your room. I think these are law books and will help me in future. " He heard her saying excitedly with a wide grin across her lips.

Law books.!
In his room!!!
He never keeps law books in his room.
There were just some novels.
Romentic novel.
Erotic novels.
Did she thought those novels to be course books.
Oh no...
Did she read it.
No. No. She didn't.
Her expression clearly said that she hasn't read.

Not wasting anymore time Anirudh Swiftly reached her and took the books from her.
He speedily hide those books in his study table drawer.
Bondita was aback at his behaviour.
She wasn't able to understand anything.
Why did he hide those law books?!!

"What happen patibabu.? I haven't even read the names of the books."

"No, ..no...need Bondita. I will give you other books." He stammered as he was afraid.
Still he was at a little relief.
She hadn't read the names..
And the paintings on the covers are too tough for her to understand.

"You never stopped me from studying. Then what happen today patibabu?"
She was sad at his behaviour.

"Its been almost five years since i studied. So my books are old. I
Will provide you the new additions once we reach London."

"London?" A gasp left her lips as she looked at him with a pair of questioning eyes.
Now he realised. What he said.
He still haven't talked with her about the London topic.
Its important for her to know it.
And be a part of the decision.

"Yes, Bondita London. For your further studies. You will be going to London for seven years." She felt anger rising inside her.
How could he take such a big decision without informing her.
But he had always done everything good for her.
No, not this time. This is not good for her.

"What do you want to mean. Living away from my family for seven years!!!
I will study here itself."
Wait. What she said?!
She will study here. But there is no college.
No College in Tulsipur.but..yes
There is still a option.
She can study in kolkata.

"You can't Bondita. It is not safe for you. Because of the freedom struggle, British police raid on the colledges every now and then."
She heard Anirudh saying as if he could read her mind. His voice grave and laced with melancholy.
Maybe he is getting angry at those red-face mens and sad for those freedom fighters.

"But how could i,..."
Her brain somehow accepted that there is no any other option. But her heart. It is reluctant to understand.
Understand that she have to live without her family. Her mother.

"My Bondita is strong right? "
She battled her eyelashes and said a yes with a small nod.
She didnt understood what to say.

Anirudh made his presence in front of her sitting on his knees. To look at her downcast eyes.

"Its for just some years then we will return again." He said into her ear as she have already threw her arms around his neck, hiding her face on his shoulder. He felt his night shirt getting wet with her tears.

"Don't cry. Please."
He can't see her crying like this.
It hurts.
He softly pulled on to her braided hairs and made her look at him. His hands ever gently wipe those tears under her red eyes and again took her into a warm embrace.

______________________________________    ________________________

Roy Chowdhury family completed their dinner along with the discussion of Anirudh and Bondita's departure.
Bondita tried to talk to batuk about the girl she had seen in the afternoon but didn't got the chance.
When everyone asked batuk about his future.
What he wanted to persue as a career?!
He said that he wanted to continue their zamindari and not want to study further.
Everyone obliged to his decision and kaka was the happiest one.
Children of their family have full right to choose a career. What They want to, they can choose.

Bondita was looking around the house checking if everything was ok
gracefully walking with her hands on her back.
She was the Roy choudharin.
So its her duty.!!
She was in dining hall when she found Batuk comming of the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

He was about to enter into his room but was stopped by Bondita.
She stood in front of him as holy cross.
He looked at her puzzled.


"Who was she?!"
Bondita is feeling sleepy and couldn't stand here for longer time so she asked directly. With her brows slightly up.

"Sh ...she...,who? I didn't understood"
He understood.
He understood about whom she was talking.
He tried to push her aside and go inside but again she stopped him.

"No need to hide anything... I know everything.   What if i say  this patibabu. Yes, i should."
She threatened him.
But he tried to go inside.


"Patibabuuuuu.." she dramatically whined and acted of going towards the lighted study.

Batuk quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the room before she could break his secret to his eldest brother.

He sighed in relief.

Bondita smiled victoriously while he moved his head sideways at her childishness.

"The girl you are asking about is Sharnalata."
Batuk said with a sigh going near the window of his room, looking straight at the blazing moon through it.
Bondita became quite serious and listened to him attentively.

Hi guys,
Paint the star orange 🧡 if you liked the chapter. And don't forget to comment.(Criticism is surely welcomed 🌺)

In the next chapter you will get to know about Sharnalata.

She will play a important role in Anidita's life in this story.

Btw did you liked the Anidita scene.

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