4. Bad News

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'Dr Grey,' Derek called down the corridor after Meredith, 'Hey! Can I talk to you?'
She turned and raised an eyebrow. 'I have an appendectomy.'
He rolled his eyes. 'We can walk and talk. Look, I have a very... interesting surgery at three and I was wondering if you wanted to scrub in. I need four pairs of capable hands, and I've got Addison and Bailey on it with me. So, you in?'
'Alright. What is it?'
'Not telling you.'
'Why not?'
'You'll find out. But it'll be very interesting. And bloody. You'll love it.'
It was Meredith's turn to roll her eyes. 'Fine, Dr Shepherd, I'll do it. Anything else to bug me with?'
'How are you?'
'How are you? How's... the new guy?'
'He's great. Everything's great. You and Addison?'
He smiled warmly.
'Just... hiding my pain.' (If you get this reference I will love you forever)

'So, Mrs Shepherd, I just need you to sign this form to consent to the termination, please, and then we can schedule your appointment tomorrow.'
Addison nodded and Derek squeezed her hand.
'Oh, before you sign, Dr Keller wanted a word with you.'
Derek glanced at his wife. Wasn't Dr Keller the...
'As you know, I'm the fertility specialist here,' said Dr Keller, an old, soft-looking lady with perfectly positioned grey curls, 'And I've looked at your tests. Although I know you have chosen termination, I thought you needed to be informed that it is very unlikely that you will conceive again.'
'What? Why?'
'You have damage to your Fallopian tubes, probably a genetic abnormality. But the point is, it was a one in a thousand chance of you getting pregnant, and there's only a small chance of you conceiving again. Even if you do conceive again, the risk of miscarriage is almost 75%.'
'So, you're saying...'
'If you want a baby, besides adoption, this is pretty much your only shot.'

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