Chapter 7: A Week with the Mane Six

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(*The Savior of Equestria studio was initially seen to be empty before Jordan and Nintega entered.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Okay, to ensure the safety of us and the story itself from more, uh... sugar overdoses, Shadow has been detained.)

(TheNintegaGuy: Yeah... don't do drugs, kids.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Right. That is, uh... the big takeaway from all this. He'll be spending his time in the quarantine box I used when I got sick that one time. No worries though, we disinfected it before placing him in it. Anyways, let's get on with the chapter, shall we? But first, a quick snack.)

(*He reaches off to the side and grabs a familiar looking pack of pudding before eating some of it. One little glance at it was all it took for Nintega's eyes to widen in shock and anxiety.*)

(TheNintegaGuy: Uh... um... Jordan, I would just put that down now if I were you... plus run too...)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Pfft! There's no way she would notice. Besides, it's just one little pudding. How bad could that possibly be?)

(TheNintegaGuy: B-Because-)

(*Someone kicks the door open to the studio and it reveals that it was Neptune who looked really hungry*)

(Neptune: Hey, Nintega! Where's that pudding you were saving for me in here while you stuffed my mouth with a disgusting eggplant demon?!)

(*Nintega freezes from that and cringes slightly before slowly turning his head towards Jordan who had the exact pack of pudding that she was talking about*)

(TheNintegaGuy: Because of that...!)

(*Now realizing what Nintega was trying to warn him about, Jordan's face contorted into panic as he slowly set down the now halfway eaten pudding*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I'm... in for more broken bones... aren't I?)

(TheNintegaGuy: Uh... much worse...)

(*A light then shines where Neptune was as she turned into her mature goddess form, Purple Heart and she summons her sword out with an angry look*)

(Purple Heart (Neptune): Just so you know Jordan... I'm not going to hold back any anger that I have this time. So don't take this calm look that I have right now with a grain of salt.)

(TheNintegaGuy: That... should be your cue, bud.)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: GLADLY!!!)

(*And with that, the blue haired boy sprinted off with Purple Heart in hot pursuit of him. Off to the side, explosions and anger filled grunts and yells can be heard as well as high pitched screams of pain and agony and even a whole lot of pleading followed suit. Meanwhile, Nintega watched while cringing a few times at what he was seeing*)

(TheNintegaGuy: Something tells me that I'm going to have to call Compa here later on... On the bright side, he's not dealing with Iris Heart...)

(*After a few seconds, Jordan was now slowly crawling his way back to the chairs with bruises covering his whole body as pained groans escaped his lips.*)

(Jordanwolfboy9743: I-I... I think... I think she's done no-)

(*He's immediately silenced by Purple Heart's hand reaching in and grabbing his leg, pulling him back over as his nails dig into the ground, creating a scratching sound in the process as the noises from earlier resumed.*)

(TheNintegaGuy: *sighs* I'll just call Compa over here.)

(*Nintega pulls out his phone and walks away to make a quick phone call to Neptune's childhood nurse friend, so that she can help the injured Jordan out*)

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