Chapter 2: Friendship is Magic Part 2

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When last we left you, the story's intrepid, formerly retired hero, you had received an eerie warning from an even more eerie pony named Nightmare Moon who said that she'd come back to Equestria very soon to bring forth her eternal night. It wasn't until after that that you had run into Twilight Sparkle who carried the same warning of Nightmare Moon's imminent return. And now, here you were, witnessing the arrival of the evil pony herself... well... Twilight was witnessing it at least. You, on the other hand, were currently hiding yourself underneath a nearby table while placing both hooves over your head, panicking over the past few seconds.

(P/N): *thinking* Okay, okay! Get it together, old boy! M-Maybe... maybe this is all just one huge dream you're having! Y-Yeah, that's it! Any moment now, I'll wake back up and my normal life will carry on as if nothing happened!

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon was still cackling like a man pony until something in her peripheral vision caught her eye. She looked down and saw a (M/C) colored tail poking out from underneath one of the tables. Immediately, she recognized who it was and smirked before her horn glowed and lifted the table into the air and threw it off to the side, revealing you quivering by yourself. Your eyes shot open and you turned your head to face her as her smirk turned into a wide grin.

Nightmare Moon: Well, well, well. If it isn't my little interloper from the dream realm. Still think that this is all a dream?

She asked playfully. You blinked a few times before gulping much to Nightmare Moon's elation.

(P/N): I don't... have to pay for this tattoo, right?

Nightmare Moon: *growls* I told you that you'd pay for your insufferable behavior towards me, so now...

She turned her attention to the crowd and charged up her horn.

Nightmare Moon: Why don't I make you suffer... by taking out my frustrations on your little friends!

Twilight and the rest of the group let out a gasp of shock as Nightmare Moon gazed upon them with murderous intent. Seeing this, sparked something inside of you. Something that always kept you going whenever you were backed into a corner and a thought occurred.

(P/N): *thinking* *sigh* Even though... I'm retired... I've got too much of a heart to watch her slaughter everypony in eternal night time.

With that thought in mind, your once quivering face becomes a look of determination. Nightmare Moon gave the crowd one last teeth bearing grin before throwing her head forwards and firing a dark purple blast at the crowd, causing them to scream in horror while holding each other close. Nightmare Moon lets out yet another cackle but is silenced when she sees her blast heading right back at her and she narrowly dodges it.

Nightmare Moon: W-What!? What is the meaning of this?!

She asked in a rage before swiveling her head back to the crowd. It's revealed that you had jumped up and knocked away her blast with a single hoof as evidenced by you landing back on the ground in front of everypony. You looked up and glared at her angrily.

(P/N): Here's a little solid advice for you, Moon Butt. Don't tick me off. Although, I think that's a little too late at this point.

Nightmare Moon: H-How... how is this possible?! Just a moment ago, you looked like you were about to flee with your tail between your legs!

She asked in complete surprise, still flabbergasted by your sudden rush of courage.

(P/N): Yeah, it's just what any smart creature would do to add to their opponent's cocky demeanor. Unfortunately, for you, I'm not like those types of creatures.

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