Chapter 1: Friendship is Magic Part 1

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A couple of days had passed since you first began your new life in Ponyville and you couldn't be any more happier because of it. The ponies around town were so nice to you which really made you feel like you had been there for years even though it's only been about two days so far. Still, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way. As far as keeping your secret went, you resorted to keeping your wings hidden with your invisibility spell and you only made them reappear when you were in the privacy of your home. The last thing you wanted was for everypony here to find out who you really were, but that's something that was already explained so we won't go into any more detail.

Anyways, tomorrow was a very special day in Ponyville for it was the day of the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony in town had been eagerly setting everything up the past couple of days for when Princess Celestia would raise the sun and bring the dawn of a new day. Each pony was given a role to perform during the festival such as food preparations, music, decor, etc. Your role, however, had yet to be given to you. As far as a normal life goes, this was rather pleasing for you. No fighting giant monsters, no saving fillies from falling down wells, and no weird occurrences so far... well... at least not physically anyways.

What do I mean by that? Well, on the night before the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, you were tossing and turning in your bed whilst groaning in your sleep. At first, it seemed like you were just having a typical bad dream until we actually saw what you were dreaming about. The camera quickly zoomed into your head as everything went dark for a moment or two. It then slowly panned out of one of your eyes and it's revealed that you were currently floating in a blackened nether realm of sorts as you were gazing around, unsure as to what this place was.

(P/N): Uhh... okay. This... isn't weird at all.

You carried on with looking at your surroundings until you stopped on something rather peculiar. A few feet from you, chained to an invisible wall from all four limbs, was what looked like an Alicorn mare with a grayish phthalo blue coat, moderate cyan eyes, and a short very light azure colored mane. Her Cutie Mark was that of a pure white moon surrounded by darkness.

You blinked a few times before gulping and taking a few cautious steps towards her

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You blinked a few times before gulping and taking a few cautious steps towards her.

(P/N): *whisper* Uhhh...hey. Are... are you okay?

You asked in a whisper. Though it was silent, your voice startled the mare who slowly turned her head up to look at you sadly. She tried reaching a hoof towards you only for it to be stopped by the chain retraining it.

???: *whisper* P-P-Please... h-help... m-me...

You stood silently at first, processing everything going on at this very moment until you found your voice again.

(P/N): Uh, right. Of course!

You resumed walking towards her while preparing a spell that could erode the chains holding her back.

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