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On the next day i woke up on time for school, since i had gone to bed early last night. It took me a bit to get out of bed. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put my school uniform, which consisted of a white button-down shirt, red pleated skirt and red blazer (feel free to change it). I brushed my hair and put on slight makeup.

I still had some time so i decided to have breakfast at home. I was making myself a peanut butter sandwich when my dad entered the kitchen.

I was quite surprised to see him, since he didn't come home often. But i was happy to get to talk to him in person every once in a while.

"Morning Y/n. How are you?" He greeted me and gave me a smile.

"Hi dad. I'm fine, you?" I smiled back.

"Me too. Actually, i have some news for you. As your mom probably told you, we are planning to eat together this week. Well, we made the reservation for Friday night"

"Really? That's amazing!" I exclaimed, then quickly added "Are you guys sure you will be free from work?"

"Yes, me and your mom both already took a day off."

"Woah, I can't wait till Friday! Are you going to be home for long?"

"Yes, there is some work i have to do. Though i can take you to school, if you want to."

"Thanks, but actually me, Ayaka and Thoma were already planning to go to school together today."

"Okay then, I'll be in my office. Have a nice day at school!"

With that, my dad left.

Ten minutes later, i finished my sandwich. I took my backpack and said goodbye to dad before leaving the house. I texted Ayaka that i was ready and it didn't take long for their car to arrive.

I opened the car door . It was one of those cars with seats on both sides. Ayaka and Thoma were sitting next to each other. They were both wearing the school uniform. Thoma's was pretty much like mine and Ayaka's, but instead of a skirt he was wearing red trousers (obviously). It seemed like the two were giggling at something. I sat on one of the seats on the other side.

"Hi guys. What are you two laughing at?"

"Hehe, nothing, Y/n. Are you excited for today?" Thoma asked, still laughing a little.

"Not really. Why should i be?"

"I mean, you get to meet Kazu-" Thoma was about to answer when Ayaka interrupted him:

"Don't listen to him Y/n, he doesn't know what he's talking about."

She then whispered something to her boyfriend, but i still heard a bit: "Don't tell her about him, she has to find out herself."

Thoma nodded and slightly chuckled. Seeing all of this, i got annoyed and asked them directly:

"Who's this guy you both know something about but won't tell me? What could possibly be so important about him?"

"Don't worry, once you find out, you'll understand." Ayaka replied.

The rest of the ride was rather quiet with Thoma whispering something to the white haired girl next to him a few times and the two looking at me. I decided to not bother asking them anymore since i was gonna find out soon anyway.

A few minutes later we arrived at the school gates. The three of us got out of the car and entered the school. I went to my locker and took out the books i need for our first class, which was Math.

I closed the locker and suddenly someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who is it?" A deep, no, a fake deep and raspy voice said.

One More Game? [Kazuha x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now