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Sent you a friend request!


...What the hell?

I stared at my screen in shock. I read the request one more time to make sure. This person again? It's starting to get creepy. In Minecraft it could have been from the server, but stuff like that doesn't happen in Roblox.

I decided to accept the friend request. Last time we talked they seemed like a pretty normal and non-creepy person. Who knows? It might have just been a really big coincidence.

New friend!

I saw that they had texted me privately:

[MapleLeaf_78]: umm hi again
[MapleLeaf_78]:this is getting kinda weird

[coffeecake_]: ikr like seriously

[MapleLeaf_78]: yeah. anyways do you wanna play together?

[coffeecake_]: yea but i dont really like adopt me
[coffeecake_]: can we play smth else?

[MapleLeaf_78]: sure! would you like to play murder mystery?

[coffeecake_]: now thats a lottt better than this

[MapleLeaf_78]: ok then ill be waiting for you in mm

[coffeecake_]: ok!

For the next few hours me and Maple played various games. Murder Mystery, Piggy, Brookhaven and more. I had to admit, they had a great personality . Even if it was through a screen, i really enjoyed the time we spent together.

I checked the time. It was 12:30 pm. I decided to start getting ready now, because if i knew one thing about Ayaka, it's that she would be waiting for me atleast thirty minutes before the time we agreed to meet.

I took a shower and dried my hair, which took me about an hour. I started doing my makeup. After i was done, it was finally time to choose my clothes. I put on a blue sweater and white trousers with white nike air ones.

I saw that there were only 10 minutes
until 2 pm. Fuck, it would take atleast 15 to get to Komore Teahouse. I quickly grabbed my jacket and bag and rushed out of my house.

It was raining and i had forgotten to take an umbrella. But it was already too late to go back. I ran through the streets of Inazuma, trying not to get wet by the rain.

I suddenly bumped into someone. I fell down on the pavement.

"Are you alright?"

I looked up to see the prettiest boy I've ever seen.

He had messy ash blonde hair, tied in a low ponytail. There was a single red streak on his bangs . He had pale skin and crimson red eyes. The boy was wearing a red jacked, a white t-shirt and black sweatpants.

He held out his hand in manner to help me get up. I took it and was surprised by just how soft it was.

"Uhh yeah" i said, realising I've been staring at him.

"Are you sure?" he asked with slight blush on his face.

"Yeah. Actually are YOU okay?"

"Haha, yes. Sorry for bumping into you."
The pretty stranger gave me a smile and walked away.

I stood there for a few more seconds, stunned by him. I had just met him, but there was this familiar feeling. I brushed it off, remembering that i had somewhere to be.

After 5 more minutes of running in the rain, i finally arrived at Komore Teahouse. Ayaka was waiting for me and rushed over when she saw me.

"Y/n! You are all soaked, are you okay?"

"Yes, don't worry about me. I just... ran a little."

"But why didn't just ask me to pick you up?" the white haired girl asked and without waiting for an answer, she continued:
"Anyways, i have some spare clothes in here , there you go." she opened a cabinet and took out some clothes and handed them over to me.

I took them and went to a different room to change. After i was done, i went back to the entry hall, where she was waiting for me.

"So... are we going to visit the bakery?"
I asked Ayaka.

"Right now we can't because of the rain. But it will probably clear up soon. Until then we can wait here." She said.


After a few seconds, i decided to ask her about the new student, because it seemed like she knew something about him.

"Ayaka, do you know something the new student?"

"Oh, about him? Well, all i can say is that he was a childhood friend of mine. I think that the two of you will get along really well." Ayaka answered with a slight smirk (ayaka smirking is all i need in my life).

"Is that it? You look like you know more"

"Well, i guess i do know something else. But it's something i want you to find out on your own."

"Come on, tell meee~" i insisted

"No, you have to be patient, Y/n. I can't tell you" the white haired girl wouldn't give in.

"Fine" i pouted at her. 'What could possibly be so important about this guy?' i asked myself.

Soon enough the rain stopped. Me and Ayaka left the Teahouse and headed towards the bakery.

It was actually a really cute and cozy place. There weren't many people, but it wasn't completely empty. We both got a piece of our mutual favourite dessert - strawberry shortcake.

While we were eating, i tried to make Ayaka talk about the new boy. No matter what i did, she just wouldn't give in.

When i realized it was pointless, i finally stopped asking her. An hour later we finished our food, paid and left. For the rest of the day we hung out at Komore Teahouse and even played hotpot.

It started getting late and i decided it was time to go home. Ayaka insisted on taking me there by car so the story with the rain from earlier doesn't repeat.

When i got back home, i was really tired.
It had started raining again which only made me want to go to sleep more. I brushed my teeth, changed into my pjs and went to bed.

{The next day}

I woke up quite late. Pretty much all day i was busy doing homework. My mom came home for a bit in the afternoon and made me lunch. In the evening i had enough energy to play a little Minecraft, but quickly got bored and after a few Bedwars games i decided it was time to go to sleep, since i had school on the next day. That night i fell asleep excited for the next week.

190 reads?? thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU SM
i seriously never thought that someone would actually read this.

remember to rest, eat and drink water <3

1115 words

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