Chapter 4- "These windows are tinted, by the way."

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I wake up with a start, clutching my chest to steady my pounding heart. I scoff at my stupid nightmare. I was performing at the Soiree, forgot the lyrics, and got booed off the stage. That could never happen to me.

Could it?

I force the unpleasant thought out of my head and get ready for school. After trying on half the clothes in my closet, I finally decide on an outfit. I apply some makeup too, smacking my lips in the mirror as I apply some lip-gloss. I eye the hair straightener on my dresser, but stop myself from plugging it in.

Who am I even trying to impress? I ask myself as I hurry out of my room.

Carter Morrison, duh.

My heart jumps at the thought of him and I scowl. I can't even deny that I'm looking forward to our car ride this morning. Last night, I kept replaying the interaction between us. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it felt a little flirtatious.

You're definitely overthinking it. Fighting does not mean flirting.

I sigh and don't bother to yell at Sami when I see that his lights are already on. I shake out my hands before heading downstairs to face my parents. I hadn't gone back downstairs to them after our argument, and they hadn't come to say goodnight last night. Which kind of stung, I'll admit.

"Good morning." I announce as I head to the pantry to grab my granola bar, feigning normalcy. I tuck it into my back pocket, and grab an extra one for Carter again.

"Morning. Ready for school?" My mom asks as she sips her coffee.

No, it's not like I'm completely dressed or anything.

I bite my cheek to refrain from saying that and instead nod and head to the door to put my shoes on.

"You look dressed up today." My dad comments as he pulls his own shoes on. I glare at him. "What?"

"Nothing." I respond shortly. I nearly sigh out of relief when I hear Carter honk outside. "Gotta go, bye!" I rush outside, nearly tripping on my own feet.

When I pull open the door, my stomach flutters as he greets me with his absolutely irresistible smirk. Then, he ruins the moment by opening his mouth.

"What I would've given to see you face-plant on the sidewalk." I stare at him, bewildered.

"You're morbid."

"Yeah, yeah. Bag in the trunk." He waves me off and I roll my eyes as I go to put my bag in the trunk. As I'm walking back to my seat, he honks, and I flinch. He starts laughing and I scowl.

"Someone's in a good mood today."

"I'll be honest, I was in a bit of a crappy mood at first," he glances at me with a smile, "but not anymore."

"I'm glad you enjoy bullying me."

"Don't act like you're innocent. I always see you hitting your friends."

He's been watching me?

I push the thought aside. "It adds spice to our relationship. It's healthy, even."

"Sure, whatever you say." He pauses. "Bully." I give up arguing and cross my arms. After a beat, I pull out my phone. I scroll through my emails and suddenly look up at Carter to catch him sneaking a look at my phone.

"What are you doing?" I cover my phone.


"Can you just please drive and not kill us? I'd rather not die in a car with a male. The scandal would spread all the way to my relatives in India." He looks at me, confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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