Chapter 2- "Don't slam my car door."

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After my free period, I can't stop thinking about the interaction between Carter and I.

I can't believe he doesn't know my name. Maybe he was joking...?

As I wait outside my last morning class, I quickly text in the family group chat, realizing I had forgotten to tell my parents about the showcase.

Me: i got the main spot for the showcase!! rehearsals start today after school :)

Mom: Congrats Kairu.

I smile at the classic brown nickname.

Dad: How are you getting home?

Me: i'm getting a ride from this guy carter. he has basketball practice the same days i have rehearsals so we made an arrangement.

Mom: What's his last name? Age?

Sami the Idiot: ooooh you're going home w a guy??

I grind my teeth at Sami's text and ignore it.

Dad: Do you not have any other friends to bring you home? You could wait till 9 for Mom.

Me: his last name is morrison. same grade as me. and no, he's the only person i know who lives like five minutes away from us. i can't wait that long for mom either

Mom: Okay, let us know when you're on your way home.

Dad: And share your location.

Sami the Idiot: *kissy face*

Dad: Sami, put your phone away or else you're not getting it for a week.

I grin with satisfaction at that and lock my phone, just in time before class starts.

Class goes by pretty quickly. Afterwards, Zara, Isabel, and I grab some lunch from the cafeteria, eat in our normal spot, and then go to our afternoon classes. After the last class of the day, I start making my way to the choir room. On the way, I see Isabel and Zara talking and I walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Oh my god, Kaira!! Are you excited, nervous?" Isabel asks.

"I mean a little. I hope Ms. Tracy doesn't take the spot away from me if I go in there and suck." I say.

"I'm talking about Carter Morrison!" Isabel clarifies as I roll my eyes, "You're gonna do amazing at rehearsals, don't even worry about that."

"Yeah, you sing all the time. But Carter...that's new!" Zara adds.

"Guys, it's no big deal. I'm just preparing myself for total embarrassment these next two months. I'm already ready for this car ride situation to be over. He seems like an arrogant douche." I say, "and don't tell me I'm wrong either cause I'm not."

"Give him a chance. He's not too bad on the eyes," Zara jokes, nudging me. I sigh and begrudgingly nod my head in agreement as I look down at my watch. It's 3:37, I have to be in the choir room at 3:45.

"Okay, I'll Facetime you once I get home and tell you everything. I have to go, bye, love you!" I shout the latter part at them as I start to walk away. I hustle over to the choir room and when I walk in, I'm greeted with the warm, congratulatory smile from Mrs. Tracy.

"Hello, Kaira!" She exclaims as I set my bag down.

"Hi!" I greet her as I make my way over to the piano. We exchange pleasantries for 10 minutes, joking and talking about our day. That's what I love most about Mrs. Tracy, she's my friend and mentor.

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