Soo he is a good actor....

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Aoyama: He is scary!

Sero: What do you mean he is scary!

Koda: Todoroki-kun, are you okay?

Todoroki: I- I did this to him!

Iida: Todoroki-kun please calm down this is not reality.

Uraraka: Yeah.

Todoroki: But he wouldn't say anything if we train too hard with him.

Koda: We know it now! So we can watch over him.

Jiro: True.

Tsu: Still a good actor *ribbit*

Aoyama: That's what has me in edge.

Mei: Oh yeah he sure is one.

The whole class went silent for a minute until I heard a WHAT comming form everyone. I still felt sick but I needed something to not just black out completly. This thing on my head was sure bad for my health the only thing I could do was pray for it to be over soon but from what I could hear it is about to go on for a bit. I couldn't tell them how I was feeling so the only thing left was wait it out and endure the pain. However at this point they all lost me cause I sure had no idea what was going on. I was just focusing soo much not to fall over and lose every bit of consciousness that I had.

Nezu: Eleborate.

Mei: Well, he never actually told you guys how he feels about you all, right?

Iida: No.

Momo: Doesn't he like us?

Mei: Well it is complicated.

Koda: How complicated.

Mei: Well I am sure you all know how he thinks about Bakugo after hearing what he told him to do.

Aizawa: Which is why you are not allowed to come near him alone ever again.

Bakugo: I deserve that one.

Ejiro: Did you not cure just now.

Bakugo: Shut up extra.

Ejiro: Ahh there the Bakubro is that I know.

Aoyama: So what does he think about us.

Mei: He doesn't like Bakugo obviously. Otherwise he wouldn't have any torture notes on him. Then Uraraka he thinks you are annoying a bit.

Uraraka: Annoying.

Mei: Yes. I mean I would think so too. You are too klingy.

Uraraka: I am not.

Momo: Honey, you are.

Uraraka: Really?

Tsu: Yes *ribbit*

Mei: Then Iida, you are way to robotic. Losen up a bit otherwise you will be too stiff.

Iida: I will take that advice to heart. Thank you Mei.

Todoroki: What did he say about me?

Mei: That you got a lot of dady issues and you should try to show more emotions. Oh and he told me a smile would suit you more than just your stone cold face.

Todoroki: I have a chance.

Mineta: Tsk! You are only trying to get into his bed.

Jiro: That's it!

Nezu: Sit back down. Mineta out of the room! Now! This will have consequences.

Mei: Ohh in case someone needs to or wants his weaknesses there is a page about this pervert in Izu's book that could make him an eunuch!

Mineta: A what now?

Mei: Just google it.

Nezu: Quite aggressive.

Mei: Well not as aggressive as what he has on Bakugo but anyways.... He likes everyone of you but he also thinks that you should stop bothering him about every sinlge bit. Especially Mina and Denki.

Sero: I'll have my eyes on him.

Ejiro: And not Bakubro?

Sero: You won't even let me tape him so no.

Iida: You are not taping anyone.

Sero: AWw man come on!

Momo: No taping.

Todoroki: To make it sure once again, he is not suicidal is he?

Mei: Hell nah! He is not. He enjoys his life and is gratefull to all of you and UA for getting him in.

Aizawa: Nezu!

Nezu: Got it.

Mei: Huh.

Aizawa: You don't have to kno.

Nezu: Now let's continue this.

Mei: Ahm okay... but I do want to know.

Nezu: Just think of a rewards we have up our sleeves for Midoriya here.

Mei: Okay if you way so.

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