Am I running away?!

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A/N: Book: "Reaper" Chapter: "Obvious Trap!"

And here we go again...

I am really curious to see what it is now...

Will it be another game?

Will I be a villain again?

Can I not get a normal life?

Okay please let this be a normal life please!




But of course it can't!

Why the heck is this happening to me?!

Did I rob a bank?


Did I attack people?



Wow... I got wings!

How cool is this quirk!

Its soo cool!

They remind me of Hawks!

Flying is soo nice but it would be better if I wouldn't be chased down at right now.

It was way past sun down and for some reason every god damn hero was after me. Not only that but the chicken aka Hawks was on my tail too. I flew up into the sky way above the clouds and waited there for the chicken to come.

What a nice view but that is not the point here...

I wonder why everyone is chasing me?

Am I a villain?

I don't think I am.

Otherwise I would have attacked them back and wouldn't be running.

I am sure I could take them all down.


That's not the right mindset.

I should be thankful that I wasn't attacking them.

Me: Why the fuck are you follow me?

Did I curse?

Hawks: Cause you are not a bad kid!

Aww thank you!

Me: You don't know me!

Hawks: I saw you save a kid, birdy.

Sooo I am not the bad guy here!

Then why were they chasing me?

Me: So what!

Hawks: Kid, I can see that you are not a villain by heart.

Me: I knew that you were a spy for the heroes! You never wanted to be a villain and a part of the LOV!

Okay maybe I was a villain but he has a point.

If I saved a kid but was also part of the LOV... then maybe I was a vigilante here?

Maybe it is even that they picked me up?

Maybe I was trying to save them?

Who knows at this point what I am about to do!

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