Chapter 11: "What am I, invisible?"

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"I can't believe Max kidnapped aunt Cass" I paced up and down, waiting for the team to arrive. Tadashi was sitting down with Mochi, stress eating, a trait he adopted from aunt Cass.

"Hiro! Tadashi! We're here!" Honey Lemon's voice rang out.

I ran to the garage door and opened it.

"What's the emergency, Hiro?" She bent down to reach my height.

"Aunt Cass's been kidnapped" Tadashi sighed, standing up and walking over to the gang, donut in hand.

"Let me guess, stress eating?" GoGo pointed to the donut.

"Yup" Tadashi replied between mouthfuls of donut.

"It won't be long until you look like the cat. No offence" GoGo pointed at Mochi.

Everyone was suited up and ready to look for aunt Cass when Wasabi stopped us at the door.

"Are you sure it was Max? I-I mean, we can't just assume if it's him if we don't know it's him" he flapped his arms around to add some emphasis.

"Then tell me" I paused, taking the hair from my desk "Who does this belong to?"

Wasabi squinted and gently took the hair from my fingers.

"There's a black one here too" he took an almost minuscule black hair from the blonde one.

"How did you see that!?" I yanked both hairs out of his hand.

"Hiro, this is Wasabi we're talking about. Neat freak, Wasabi" GoGo leant against the wall.

"Of course" I face palmed "And what are you implying, Wasabi? It's probably just Mochi's"

"This isn't Mochi's. I've examined plenty of his hairs which have somehow made their way onto my shirt before. This is human" he carefully looked at it.

"This means Max wasn't alone in kidnapping aunt Cass" Fred looked at everyone.

"Great. First there's Max and now there's some random person" I growled, rubbing my temples with my fingers.

"That random person must be friends with Max!" Fred exclaimed.

"Well, of course! Who else would he go around kidnapping innocent people with, birdbrain?" GoGo knocked on Fred's head.

"Ow" he rubbed his head.

"Who would wanna be friends with that drowned rat?" my expression full of hatred towards Max.

The others broke off into a conversation of their own, completely ignoring my remark. GoGo seemed rather annoyed.

"Now, are we gonna go or are we just gonna let aunt Cass die?" GoGo said, half joking as she pushed past Wasabi who was blocking the way out.

Her statement hit me like a brick. She could already be gone. It could already be too late. I can't bare to lose her, just like I thought I'd lost Tadashi.

As if he could read my mind, Tadashi stopped me and looked me in the eyes with his hands on my shoulders.

"Hiro, listen. I won't let anything happen to aunt Cass. We'll get her back. I promise" he smiled as he saw my emotionless face.

"Again with promises you can't keep?" A half-hearted chuckled escaped my lips.

He ignored my comment and caught up with the rest of the crew.

What am I, invisible?

We ran to Fred's mansion. Every time I see the place I don't understand why Fred is so. . . So. . . Unique when it comes to hygiene.

"Baymax? Did you scan Max that day he was raging around the café?" Honey Lemon asked the healthcare robot.

"I have records of. . . Max" Baymax pointed to his armour-covered belly.

"Would you be able to find him if we went to the top of the San Fransokyo Bridge and scanned the city again? Like with Yokai?" I asked.

"Yes" Baymax replied.

"Well everyone," I smiled "Get ready to fly!"


So sorry again for not updating sooner! I've been kinda busy! I hope this makes up for the wait!

Until next time (which won't be too long),
Dreams Laufeyson.

Big Hero 7 *Sequel to Disney's Big Hero 6* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now