Cat Burglars

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The black van pulled to a slow stop outside the museum. Within, the two ex-YouTubers surveyed the scene.
"Remember the plan," Mark said, pulling the ski mask down over his face.
"Yu git en and oot, I keep me fukkin' mouf shut," Sean answered in this terribly racist and politically incorrect accent that seems to be a theme. He adjusted the hat on his head. Mark looked back at him and rolled his eyes.
They exited the van, and silently (surprisingly) snuck around the building to the camera's blind spot. Sean reached into the black bag that all burglars have and pulled out a grappling hook.
"Wy is dis a fukkin' Batman replica, eh?" Sean asked, aiming the gun up. The hook shot up, over the roof and hooking onto the edge. Mark grabbed the rope and leapt up, getting up six feet before the hook dehooked and he landed flat on his back.
Sean howled with laughter. "Oh, ye fat fuk', ye suppoosed to test da fukken' line ferst." He reloaded the gun and fired again as Mark struggled to his feet. Sean gave the line a few tugs, nodding his approval.
"Up ye goo."

"Right," Mark said, strapping himself into the harness. "Lower me, raise me, stay quiet." Sean rolled his, as I'd say he'd say, fukkin' aeyes and nodded towards the open skylight. Mark lowered himself in and, with a whirr of the winch, started going down on the museum... (I know what I wrote).
Mark could see the box in front of him. No lasers, no cameras, nothing but fifteen feet separating him from his goal. Ten feet... Seven feet... Four fee-The winch stopped suddenly.
"Sean," Mark whispered into his com. "I'm out of line."
"WAT DA YA MEEM YUR OOT OV FUKKIN' LINE YA BLOODY ASIAN BASTARD? WER SOOO FUKKIN' CLOOS!" Sean roared into his ear. Mark jerked in his harness, flailing around, ending up hanging upside down with his legs around the line and the box between his flailing hands. He grabbed it, hearing a security guard in the distance.
"Go Sean, go!" Mark shot upwards, still upside down and flying out through the skylight clutching the box. He leapt up as Sean looked over his shoulder.
"Open de fukkin'theng," Sean answered, completely spoiling a dramatic moment.
Mark unlatched the box and slowly raised the lid, and there it was. His treasure.
"Ya no, aye dedn't thenk yu were fukkin' serius wen yu seaid to steel a mustach-sheped dildo," Sean commented.

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