-Late-Night Happenings-

494 14 4

A/N: Contains stabby stabbyness and maybe PG13 content? I'm not sure.

Word Count: 846


Jeff yawned. "I'm going to head to sleep." Jack crossed his arms.

"How am I supposed to sleep?" Jack gestered to the collar around his neck and looked at Jeff pointedly.

"I don't know, but you can choose. The collar or the handcuffs." Jeff started laying his blanket down and pulling an extra out for Jack. 

Jack rolled his eyes and complained, "You don't know how tired I am of hearing that. 'Oh choose, the collar or the handcuffs.' Ugh."

"I don't control the words that come out of my mouth." Jeff grabbed his eye mask and laid down. He pointed a finger at Jack. "Just tell me when you decide."

Jack groaned. He yelled at Jeff, "Fine I'll take the collar."

Jeff raised his head. "Mkay," he said while getting up. He grabbed the chain and tied it around a part of the log. Jack rolled his eyes mentally, knowing that the knot would not hold. "Here." Jeff handed him a rolled-up blanket. Jack took it from him and spread it out over the ground. "'Night," Jeff said as he walked over to his blanket, lay down, and pulled the eye mask down. He passed out soon. 

Jack stretched and lay down as well, removing the deep blue mask for the first time since he'd been captured. He set it down next to him on the blanket and curled into a ball, staring at the bright colors of the fires embers as he drifted into sleep.


Jack was awoken by the feeling of liquid on his face. He reached a hand up to his eyes and it came away black. "Fuck," he whispered. His eyes only bled when intense emotions flared up, like pain, anger, or in the case of right now, hunger. Jack pressed a hand to his stomach and groaned. I should've eaten more, or told Jeff that two squirrel kidneys wouldn't be enough, he thought.

You should take one of his.

No. I promised I wouldn't, and besides I'm stuck- A sudden pain flared through his body. Jack winced.

Take one.







Jack slowly got to his feet, black tar dripping down his face and pulled the scalpel from his pocket. He started forward, then fell back. He was still 'tied' to the log. Easy fix. Jack quickly untied the knot and crept towards Jeff, scalpel poised in case he moved. Jeff's chest rose and fell in steady breaths. His knife didn't seem to be on him at the moment. Jack raised Jeff's hoodie and shirt, noticing the red and purple scars that were laced on his abdomen, when a hand grabbed him just as he was about to cut into Jeff. 

Jeff was grasping his arm at the wrist, glaring at him with burning eyes. "Get the hell off me," Jeff commanded, about to punch Jack when Jack bit his hand. "Ow, SHIT." Jeff cradled his bleeding hand and stared back at Jack, who had skitted away back near the log. Jeff pulled his knife out from his hood and took a fighting stance. "Alright demon. I told you to stay the fuck away from me and you didn't listen. Now, you're going down." Jack hissed and stood up, gripping his scalpel.

"I'm hungry Woods. What did you expect?" Jack walked towards him, chain dragging as he moved closer until he and Jeff were almost touching noses. "And you are the one that will give me what I need." 

Jeff grabbed the collar and threw Jack down. "Not on your fucking life Nichols." Jack climbed back to his feet and rushed Jeff, pushing him against a tree. Jeff realized that Jack wasn't wearing the blue mask he seemed to so dearly love. Instead, Jeff could see that he had pure black eyes that gave the impression that Jack was eyeless. Black stuff trickled from his eyes like tears and he had a mouth of sharp canine teeth set in a ferocious snarl.

"Huh. I can see your face now. Too bad I have to break it," Jeff commented as he punched Jack right at his temple. Jack collapsed. Breathing heavily, Jeff knelt down next to him and poked him. "Guess I need to bring out the duct tape." He was just getting up when Jack grabbed his ankle, pulling Jeff down.

Jack stabbed Jeff in the leg and he cried out in pain. Jeff tried to worm his way back to his feet, but Jack was too fast. He pinned Jeff down, basically straddling him, and raised the scalpel to stab in between Jeff's ribcage. 

Jeff panicked. His mind raced and came up with only one solution. This better work, he thought. Jeff grabbed Jack's collar and pulled him down into a kiss. Jack froze. What the fuck?, was the last thing that ran through his mind as Jeff hit him in the back of the head, knocking him out cold.


A/N: HA, THAT'S GAY   \(>V<)/

Q: What's your favorite song?

A: Either Horrible Kids by Set It Off or 21 Guns by Green Day

Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment/votes, it really helps!


P.S: If I misspell something, I'm sorry 

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