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A/N: You really should listen to that playlist, it's great. Also this chapter does contain some language. If there's any spelling errors, I apologize. It's quite late here ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )

Word count: 821


     Jeff was tired. He didn't get tired often, but walking for 5 hours straight and carrying a 15-pound a backpack did the trick. The sun was just past the tree line. It's probably around 3 then. He stopped and shrugged his backpack off. Rummaging through it, Jeff came across the letter Slender had given him. Oh yeah, the letter with information and directs. Well, might as well read through it, he thought.

     Sitting down on a log with an apple and some water, Jeff opened the envelope and started to read.


Name: Jack Nichols

Age: 23

Height: 6'2

Appearance: Shirt ear length brown hair, light blue-gray-purple skin, no eyes, blue mask with black tar dripping form the eyeholes. Last seen wearing a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and gray tennis shoes.

     Damn, he's tall, Jeff thought. He himself stood at around 5'11. He seems quite familiar.

Last seen: Davenport Collage woods.


      The letter ended there. Jeff put that one back in the envelope and pulled out the other piece of paper, the one with directions. "Go left at mansion's front doors, and then follow the dirt path.....fuck." Jeff groaned and stood up. "Dumbass. Are you fucking kidding me, I didn't think to read the letter with the goddamn directions FIRST!" He kicked at the previously mentioned log. "OW." Jeff looked around. "And now I'm lost. Great." He sat back down and looked at the letter again. "Jeff, because I knew you wouldn't read the letters first, here is directions to get back to the mansion," he read. "Oh thank the holy grail. I'm actually glad now that I have such a reputation for being a dumbass."

     A small noise, like a laugh, came from the woods, but said dumbass was too busy celebrating.

      He grabbed his backpack and the letter, deciding to put the apple back, but drink some water. "Hydrate or die straight, am I right?" Jeff commented as he began to walk back to the mansion, following the letters information.


     Jeff was back on the road after walking into the mansion with a giant stick and claiming it was their new resident. "Ow." He rubbed his arm when Jane had hit him with the stick. Twice.

     He glanced down, making sure he was still following the trail. Jeff looked up just in time to see a tree, but not in time to avoid it.


     "Shit. Again. Someone down there really hates me. You know, if I ever die, I'm making life down there EVEN MORE OF A HELL!" He yelled at the ground and stomped. "Fucking assholes." Jeff grumbled as he continued on the path. Another chuckled echoed. Jeff turned, immediately on guard. "Who's there?"


     It was probably just Rouge, he thought. Jeff turned back, still on edge, but slightly reassured. He plugged in his earbuds and turned on his iPod, leaving one earbud out just in case.

     Jeff walked some more and by the time he stopped for a break, the day had turned to dusk. Moths and fireflies flitted about. Owls hooted in the trees and crickets played their original melodies. He yawned and grabbed the extra hoodie he placed in his bag along with an extra blanket he always stored at the bottom of every emergency backpack he owned. Rolling the blanket into a ball, he put on the extra hoodie, then lay down.

     Oh wait, Jeff thought.

    He took off the hoodie and unrolled the blanket, the rolled up the hoodie and spread out the blanket. He laid in his back and looked up. You know, the sky is actually quite stunning. Not as stunning as me, but still, wow. The sky was indeed beautiful, with a dark blue background, flashes of pink and splashes of pale blue. Freckled pattens of stars dotted across the breathless display. The moon shone like a beacon next to everything. Jeff slowly fell asleep, eyes still fixed on the sky.


     A dark figure clothed in black hunched next to the sleeping Jeff. They closely examined him. "Maybe I'll follow him a bit longer. He does bring some amusement." The figure whispered.

     But what of when he finds us. He will take us back with him to that 'mansion'.

     "There is no 'us', only me. And I simply won't go." The figure grazed Jeff's check with a feather-soft touch. He twitched. The figure jumped up and blended back into the woods almost instantaneously.

     Jeff sat up, looking around. He could've sworn something (or someone) had touched him. He yawned again; it really didn't concern him. Just a bug. Jeff grabbed his eye mask from his backpack and fell back asleep.


A/N: Jeff is 22

Q: What's your favorite breakfast?

A: Avocado toast and sourdough bread.

Thanks for reading lovelies!


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