Chapter 6: Another Rescue Operation

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Takao: You won't escape without a fight!

Sheffield: Tch! We are surrounded.

Edinburgh: (panicking) What are we going to do!

Sheffield: You escape with the cube first! I will create an opening and hold them off for as long as I can.

Edinburgh: But Sheffy-

Before she could finish, Sheffield speeds off to Takao and begins to fight her. This makes Takao and the other ship girls there focused on her and Edinburgh escapes with Akashi.

Takao: Looks like your comrade abandoned you. I suggest you surrender now maid before we sink you!

Sheffield doesn't respond.

Takao: Very well then. All ships, attack and sink her now!

Takao, Ayanami and other ship girls all attack Sheffield. Sheffield is dodging most of the hits but some manage to hit and damage her. She was doing well until planes started to attack her. She dodged all the bombs but she is now exhausted.

Zuikaku: Takao-san! We are here now!

Everyone looks towards them and they see Zuikaku, Shokaku, Shimakaze and Suruga approaching them.

Takao: Shimakaze and Suruga? I haven't seen them in a while. But this is perfect timing.

Suruga: What do you need from us?

Takao: One of the Royal Navy maids manage to escape while we were distracted with this one. Can you guys help track or even capture the other maid? I heard that she kidnapped Akashi.

Shimakaze: Of course we can! 

Takao: Thanks, she headed that way.

Takao points to the direction where Edinburgh headed towards. Shimakaze and Suruga hurried and sped off.

Sheffield: *thoughts* Damn! I hope Edinburgh made it far enough.

Takao points her katana at Sheffield.

Takao: This is your last chance maid. Surrender now and you will be spared!

Sheffield reaches into her pocket to get smoke grenades to escape but she realized she didn't have any. Knowing that the situation was hopeless, she decided to surrender herself to the Sakura Empire.

Sheffield: *thoughts* This is an embarrassment to the Royal Navy! I just hope Edinburgh doesn't get caught or else all we have done here would have been useless.

Takao goes and bring Sheffield to a cell where she would be interrogated later.



Edinburgh and Akashi were hiding in a building on a random island they found in the middle of nowhere. They were crying and complaining on how they would die if they got caught. 

Akashi: What are we going to do! They are going to turn me into sashimi if they catch me again!

Edinburgh: If only Sheffield was here right now! She would definitely know what to do!

Suddenly, they heard people talking in the distance.

Suruga: There is no way they are going to hide here.

Shimakaze: Of course there is! This place is a perfect spot for hiding!

Suruga: They are both faster than us, they could have just easily outran us and escape.

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