[43] The Same Parfait

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if you didn't properly read the 'afterword' chapter, just know that i will be publishing 2 extra chapters (including this). please treat these extra chapters separately from the canon timeline of twty.

Mikey sure was in a bratty mood today. Everyone who was at the shrine could agree. The blond boy was moping around on the grass with his eyebrows furrowed. Baji, being a good friend, had snapped at Mikey's attitude.

"Can you stop groaning like that?! What the hell is wrong with you today? You've been like this since you arrived," Baji tried to hold himself back from smacking Mikey across the head. In response, the Toman captain turned his head the other way and pouted.

Takemichi was also worried about his behaviour and opted to resort to the emergency snack bag! He reached in and handed Mikey a bunch of dorayaki; all different flavours so he could choose. "Here, Mikey-kun– Huh?!"

Mikey grabbed the sweets and threw them across the shrine, "I don't want them." Now, that was a clear indication to Takemichi that something was wrong. Mikey would never refuse sweets unless he was feeling angry or annoyed.

"Chifuyu... do you know what happened to him?" Takemichi whispered to his friend.

"No clue. I mean, he only arrived here like ten minutes ago. How about you, Mitsuya?"

"Well, maybe he had a fight with Draken? He's not here. Smiley?"

"[last name] isn't here either," Nahoya pointed out. "Usually, when Mikey fights with Draken, he's usually rioting and shouting at people. Maybe this has something to do with her."

Baji shook his head, "What? Did [last name]-chan reject you? Seems like she did the right thing–" Mikey threw a nearby pebble at his friend's face. "What the actual hell Mikey?!"

"She didn't reject me."

"Baji-san!" Chifuyu pulled his friend back, "Calm down! Um, Mikey-kun, can you explain what happened then? Did [last name]-chan do something to you? Where's Draken?"

"Don't talk about Draken to me," Mikey huffed, puffing his cheeks out.

Mikey was sitting across yourself and Draken in one of the family restaurant's booths. Today was a nice sunny day and so, the three of you ordered some parfaits. Hell, Draken was even in the mood for some ice cream.

"What flavour did you get, Draken-san?"

"Strawberry. I didn't expect it to be this good though."

"Maybe we all should've gotten different flavours. Mikey-san and I got vanilla..." Seems like the other blond boy was too immersed in his sweet treat to listen to what you were saying.

"Wanna try mine?" Before you could even reply, he had already lifted up a spoon and lifted it up to your face. "Open wide," you squinted your eyes at him, but did as he said.

"Oh! Strawberry is nice."

Mikey immediately stopped scooping ice cream into his mouth when he realised that you and his best friend were feeding each other. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Draken-san gave me some of his ice cream."

"Ken-chin... did? [name]cchan, wanna try some of mine?" he lifted up a spoonful of his parfait and held it to your mouth, "You can eat it."

"I'm fine, thanks. We got the same flavour after all," Mikey's smile dropped into a frown when you had said that. "...Maybe next time?" he had enough of your antics with Draken. First, it was you two ignoring him on the way to the restaurant. Then you two sat next to each other. And now this! He was fuming.

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