Tachibana Naoto

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Going down the aisle with your lover was certainly one of the last things you were expecting at this age. Yourself and Naoto had your elbows locked together as the wedding music played in the background.

The church was absolutely stunning. Hinata had an incredible mind when it came to decorating. The lights weren't too bright, setting the perfect ambience for the event. As you and Naoto approached the steps leading towards the altar, you separated and stood on opposite sides. Oh, did you mention that it wasn't actually your wedding?

It was Hina and Takemichi's. You and the other man were just the maid of honour and best man. However, despite the fact that you were supposed to be supporting your best friend at such an important moment of her life, you couldn't help but keep your eyes stuck on her brother.

When you had taken another sneaky glance at Naoto, he was already looking at you. Now, younger Naoto would've been embarrassed after getting caught, however, this time around, he kept his gaze stuck on you.

Before you two knew it, the ceremony had quickly finished with their vows and a few awkward smooches (mainly from Takemichi since he didn't want to be seen kissing his lover in front of friends and family). As Hina was talking to other guests, you were left to stand alone off to the side watching everyone else converse.


"...Naoto." The man shot you a grin and captured your hands into his own. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I've ever felt my heart race like this." Great, now he was going to make your heart burst. "You look stunning. I'm so lucky to have you."

"You're embarrassing me. Stop that." You moved your head to the side to avoid his teasing gaze, "Go talk to your relatives and mingle. I'll just stay with Mikey-kun and the others. Go have fun with your family. It's not often you get to see them, right?"

"Are... we not family?"

"I didn't mean it like that." Naoto just pouted in response. He wanted to spend this time with you. "I'll see you in a bit. Hina-chan's going to throw her bouquet soon anyway." He released a sigh and leaned down to press a chaste kiss on the corner of your lips.

"I'll make sure to catch that bouquet then."


"Draken-kun, Mikey-kun, why are you looking at Takemichi-kun like that? You look as if you're going to kill him." You made sure to smack the back of their heads of stop their piercing gazes.

"I can't believe that crybaby is getting married before I am." Mikey clicked his tongue, "I want to get married too." You couldn't help but notice that he had his eyes on you when he said that. "But the love of my life doesn't love me."

"...Mikey, stop that." Draken made his friend face the ground, "I feel the same way too, but I don't go around making snarky comments."

"You're so cool, Ken-chin." Even after all these years, those two were still as close as ever. You just chuckled at their antics before moving towards the crowd that was forming by the bride. "What's everyone doing?"

"I think Hina-chan's going to throw the bouquet. I'll be back you two." You hurriedly made your way to the front of the crowd, hoping that your best friend would throw it your way. As she counted down from three, you got your hands ready to catch.

"One!" Hina threw the flowers backwards. Her throw was quite weak but that meant that it was going to fly to the front. You could catch it from where you were! As you were moving closer towards where the bouquet was going to land, you didn't notice that you had bumped into someone else in the process.

"Sorry- Oh, Naoto!"


In the end, you two laughed your interaction off since some random kid had ended up stealing the bouquet. "I guess that means we aren't going to get married next."

"It's okay, [name]. It doesn't have to be next. Just know, that I will marry you someday." Naoto brought your hands to his lips and tenderly kissed your fingers. "I'm so in love with you."

"I love you too."



hina did not believe you two when you told her you were in a relationship with naoto. she didn't feel betrayed or anything, it was just so unexpected she was caught off guard.

naoto's love for you started back when his sister would force you to come into their house to hang out. naoto ended up talking with you during one of those visits and it made him feel some type of way.

you would never had considered naoto as a love interest until the day of his school festival back then.

naoto has definitely tried to become more manly after he figured out his feelings for you. unfortunately, you just kept treating him like a kid.

takemichi was confused as hina since he didn't expect naoto to have feelings for you and vice versa.

naoto still remembers the time where he walked in on you and mikey. he's sure that mikey knows of this fact too. it makes naoto mad that mikey teases him whenever he's over to visit. "a couch... huh?"

he took you out to a fancy restaurant early on in your relationship, but it ended up with him being embarrassed because people thought he was your younger brother.

you and hina like to gossip about him-like secrets, bad habits...

the other boys like to tease him because he's younger than them. they all end up getting yelled at by you.

naoto's biggest secret is the time when he didn't wash his hair for a few months because you pat it. he didn't want to forget the nice feeling that was your hand.

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