Chapter 35: Relax and Enjoy the Show

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Bree, Don and Orion were already waiting for them, Orion's face as green as his jacket. Artemis stood beside them, her eyes wary.

"I thought the feeds had gone quiet." Dyo shifted his feet anxiously. Athena couldn't work out whether he was asking a question or making a statement.

"Too quiet," Bree agreed.

"I guess that's because they were all talking in person," Athena added, staring at the crowd open mouthed. Orion continued to look like he was going to throw up. There must have been close to 500 people packed in front of the prison. Many had holo-signs above their heads, proclaiming statements which ranged from terrifying - 'Death to the Terrorist' - to political - 'Protect our Democracy'. Most of the crowd was young, probably pop voting students from the LUP and recent graduates, although there were a few adults too. Men and women in FI uniforms weaved amongst the crowd, talking to protesters and sending digital fliers across the local feed. The protesters mostly chatted loudly to each other, as though this were a usual social meet up, but every now and again someone would shout something about the danger Ariadne posed, or the value of the Freedom Institute, and everyone would jeer and chant in agreement. Athena wondered if Cress would be joining the crowd with Demi and Dora after her breakfast date with Castor.

"This... Complicates things," Dyo said as his eyes scanned the crowd.

"But it doesn't make it impossible. We can still get inside. We can still get Ariadne." Artemis said, sounding far more confident than Athena felt. "Come on. We need to get on with it." Without another word, Artemis led them through the crowd and up to the prison door, where they were waved inside by an uncomfortable looking guard.

"Morning, Artemis. Bad day for a tour."

"Not at all, Cerb. This circus just reflects the nature of justice in a direct democracy. It can only serve to enhance our visit." Artemis gave him a wry smile as she led them through the doors. Once inside, Athena took in the large, white space which was bustling with guards, prison staff and feed reporters. Artemis led them confidently through the crowds to a monolithic reception desk stretched across the centre the room. Two security gates were the only way past it, both manned by restless guards. Behind the desk sat three female receptionists, all eyeing the crowd outside their doors wearily. Behind them, five doors led to different parts of the prison. Teal and red light beams shone above them, indicating which were locked.

"Good morning, Medea. Quiet day?" Artemis asked the receptionist with a twinkle in her eye. Athena was amazed that Artemis could make jokes. It was taking all her concentration not to stand their trembling.

The receptionist shook her head. "It's only going to get worse over the next hour."

"Really? Why?"

"Oh, Artemis, you haven't heard? I guess you would have rescheduled your seminar if you knew... Mr Leighton will be here soon. He's going to give a press conference in fifteen minutes, followed by a tour of the prison."

"Mr Leighton is coming here?" Dyo looked pale. This definitely wasn't something they had planned for.

"He thought it would be best to address the attack publicly, given the uproar it has created on the feeds."

"Never one to miss the chance for some publicity..." Bree muttered quietly enough that the receptionist couldn't hear.

"I can still take my students round though, right?" Artemis asked, sounding nervous for the first time.

"I'm so sorry, Artemis. Someone really should have called you this morning. The prison is on lock down while the conference is going on. You can bring your students back this afternoon, once the vote has taken place."

"The vote is taking place today?"

"At the end of the conference."

"But that's... Unorthodox."

"Nothing about this case is normal. Look, since this is such a rare occurrence, how about I let you and your students into the conference instead? That should be much more exciting than a tour of the cells."

Artemis hesitated for a moment.

"Oh please let us stay, Artemis," Bree chimed in, sounding so much like Cress that Athena nearly jumped. "I would love to hear the conference. It sounds like an amazing educational opportunity."

"Okay then, we'll stay. I assume you'll be using the big conference room?" Artemis started to move, but Medea stopped her.

"I'll have to get someone to take you down there, Artemis. I know you know where you're going, but we're not letting any visitors wander around the site this morning. You saw for yourself what it's like out there. We can't risk letting any crazies in and your students haven't been vetted."

"Of course, I understand," Artemis replied. She was looking increasingly anxious. So far nothing was going to plan.

Athena reached for Dyo's hand, hoping he could reassure her, but her fingers found nothing but air in the space where he had been stood a moment before.

She looked around, but couldn't see him anywhere in the reception. Dyo had vanished.

"Where has Dyo gone?" she whispered to Bree, trying desperately not to bring attention to herself. Bree mimicked her movements, glancing around the room before looking back to Athena, her face contorted with panic.

"He came in with you, right?"

"He was stood next to me until a moment ago."

"Perhaps he managed to sneak inside."

"I don't see how. He couldn't have made it past the guards without us noticing."

"Everything alright, girls?" Artemis asked. She and Medea were both watching them.

"Sorry, Artemis. Athena was just panicking about the conference." The Cress voice was back.

"I would have dressed differently if I had realised I might end up on the feeds!" Athena played along with a nervous giggle.

"Don't worry, girls," Medea told them with a smile. "The cameras will all be focused on Mr Leighton and the Freedom Institute. You can relax and enjoy the show." She waved them through security and the group had no choice but to proceed through the double doors in front of them, still trying to glance around the reception for Dyo.

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