Chapter VII

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Ayme had her sword still pointed at the woman in front of us, refusing to retreat. What we were supposed to do, I didn't know. I would have lowered the sword if I had had a gun pointed in my face. In fact, as I looked at my surroundings, I found three of the fifteen men that had entered the room pointing their guns at me.

"Ayme, do what they want," I said.

She gritted her teeth and raised her sword a little, causing the men to step closer.

Eva wasn't fazed by the death threat. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the man. "Marcus, stand down. They are not a threat." Her voice was dangerously calm.

"Ayme, please," Eve reasoned.

Ayme shook her head. "Not before I have an answer."

"Put the weapon down girl,' the man said again.


The man looked at Eva. "Eva, you saw what she.." He didn't even get the chance to finish.

"Marcus. Don't make me force you," she spoke, the authority clear in her voice.

"As you wish," the man, Marcus, mumbled, and he took a step back, motioning his men to do the same.

"Now, are we going to solve this problem properly?" Eva asked Ayme.

"I need to know," she answered quietly.

"I met your father when he saved me from a burning house. Percy believed I was a demigod who needed help. It was funny actually, because he wasn't all wrong."

Ayme lowered her sword. "My father rescued you?"

Eva nodded. "But.. you're not a demigod?"

Eva shook her head. "No, but we worship the same God, or Goddess, actually."

"Say what?" Eve said.

"I believe in who you would call Artemis, or Diana in Roman. For us, she's simply the Moon Goddess."

"You only believe in Artemis? And you're not a demigod?" I asked.

"You know, when I was on my own I used to read a lot of those stories, where they would be talking about werewolves worshipping only to the Moon Goddess, but those stories must not rely to you.. right?" I trailed off a bit, noticing the small smile on Eva's face.

"What? You're a werewolf?" Eve asked.

"Why are you so surprised?" Eva replied. "You believe in the Greek Gods, don't you?"

Ayme shook her head. "That's not possible. Only the Greek Gods exist in real life. There's no such thing as werewolves."

Eva sighed. "Didn't your father ever tell you about his encounter with the descendants of the Egyptian Gods?"

Ayme's mouth hung open, not being able to form a word.

"He didn't? I'm actually surprised," Eva said, picking up the magazine from the desk and putting it away. "I believed he had told you."

She motioned for us to follow her as she walked away. "It doesn't matter now anyway. There are many different religions in the world. But the only way you'll notice they're all there, is when you actually encounter them.

For example, when your father, or brother, or friend, well.. whatever you want to call him, came by to ask me a favour, I met Apollo, the Greek God of healing. I hadn't known he had existed, but because Percy managed to get me too meet him, I found out about the ability of different religions being able to exist."

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