Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After three long hours, the plane had finally landed. Japan looked beautiful, and I knew exactly where to go. I had a friend in Japan that I had contacted a while ago to say I was going to stay there for a bit. I had enough for a place here, but I had to wait to buy one. I made it out, and to the place where I would be picked up. I knew their car very well, and I had gone over to it.

"Thanks for helping me on such short notice." I say to Ari. She nodded and continued to drive. I knew this drive was a little longer, but it wouldn't be that long. After a good thirty minutes, we arrived at Ari's house. She parked in her garage, and then she turned her car off. As soon as she turned the car off, I got out. I went inside and admired her house. I haven't come here in a long amount of time, but it was still beautiful.

"Hey Neko---" She then said, but get cut off with the chain and amazement. I was getting annoyed because people kept saying the name that they chose for me. She knew a name I gave myself, but she only really texted me. When she started to gather herself again, she looked at me confused.

"What just happened?" She asked calmly.

"We have a contract. A different contract than you would be familiar with. I am a SerVamp, Servant Vampire and you are my eve or master for twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours you will be free of me." I said in simple terms. She clearly got excited, but I was frustrated. If Tsubaki finds out about this, she will be dead before those twenty-four hours are up. I understand we also can't be very far from each other. Welp, let's hope that she doesn't die within the next twenty-four hours.

I had gone to the room that was going to be mine for a while, and started to look for jobs. I will have to wait until tomorrow to start applying, so that Ari doesn't have to worry about me having to drag her along. As soon as I was done, I had bookmarked certain jobs. I then put my phone up and went to bed. I had dreams about Tsubaki and Jake. I could tell that Jake was dead because I felt a little piece of me missing. I hope he is doing better where ever he is now.

When I woke up, I had gotten dressed. I showered yesterday, so I should be fine for the day. I then walked out of my room, and went to where the kitchen was. I didn't know if Ari was awake or not, but she wasn't in the kitchen. I then went over to the living room just to see if she was possibly there. She wasn't, so I believe it is now best to believe that she is still in her room. I didn't walk to her room, but I decided to head back to mine. When I got back on the bed I noticed that Ari was in the doorway.

"Um? What's up?" I asked. She seemed a little strange, and she also seemed a little too quiet. She didn't move or even motion towards hearing my question. That was a little weird. She suddenly got on top of me and tried to choke me.

"H-hey! W-w-what's this a-all about?" I asked her while struggling to get air. I then moved onto my back and wrestled her off of me. I didn't know what got into Ari, but I am not going to deal with this. I didn't notice that there was another figure until it was on top of me. I started to then deal with it.

"What the hell Ari?" I said to her. Something was definitely wrong, but I was just trying to be safe. As soon as I had freed myself, I had then faced towards the figure. SHIT! It was Tsubaki! It hasn't even been six hours and he already found me! As soon as I noticed him, he killed Ari.

"Tsubaki? What the hell? Why do you do this?" I asked. He then wiped his hand on his cloak. When he looked at me again, he looked disappointed.

"Well sis, you clearly are weak to have to go through TWO eves!" Tsubaki said to me.

"It wasn't my fault! Jake gave me a collar and gave me a name, and Ari then mentioned my name! They both made a fucking 24 hour contract!" I yelled at him. I was definitely pissed at this point. Usually I could keep my temper, but Tsubaki has crossed the line.

"I didn't WANT them to become my eves!" I yelled at Tsubaki. I was crying already.

"I wanted to just live as if I was a normal dog with Jake, but then that got ruined. Once the contract was off I was going to wipe his memory and live my life as a normal human. When I went to Ari, it was to get away from YOU! I then was going to try and work here and then move out of her house." I said. I was really crying now. When I had looked at Tsubaki again, his expression looked different. Instead of his angry face, he looked upset. Let's hope he is upset at himself.

"That makes some sense. Although, how did you end up in the pound?" Tsubaki asked me curiously.

"That happened because I was on the street in daylight and a person found me and reported me to the pound." I replied. Tsubaki tried to hold back a laugh, but he wasn't doing well.

"That is interesting, sis. Well, I'm sorry for killing those two people. I didn't know about your plan and just thought that you were being weak." Tsubaki sincerely said to me.

"Well, I accept your apology," I said to him. I was wiping my tears at the moment, but I could tell he meant it. I soon enough say him about to leave, but he turned around as if he was going to say something.

"Hey, you want to follow me? I'm heading to my headquarters," Tsubaki asked me. I nodded and followed him. I really don't have anywhere I can go, and I don't want to risk any more human lives. Especially with how

I followed Tsubaki as we headed down a long and alley. Up ahead was a very tall building, and it seemed to have about 30 stories. It could've had more, but it really looked like a 30 story building. When we had gotten to the building, I had marveled at it. It was a very pretty building. The whole building shimmered when the sun hit it. I don't know how this building was supposed to be his headquarters, but I guess I will see. 

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