~Chapter 7~

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It's early Sunday morning, and I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my two pieces of buttered toast. It's sunny outside, not a cloud in the sky, and the temperature on my phone said it was about 28°C.

My phone vibrated, and I looked at the lit up screen to see a text from my mom

Mom: There's a race next Sunday in South Freetown. At Razy's. $30 to race 2 races.

Me: Prize money is?

Mom: $150 plus new lime green gloves.

I thought about it for a second. If I did decide to race, I could just keep my helmet on my head until I left so nobody sees me.

Me: Yeah, okay. I will race. Tell dad to pick me up with his truck.

I locked my phone, and got up to put my plate and cup in the sink when I heard a car horn. I looked out the kitchen window and saw Jake getting out of his car, something bundled into his jacket.

" What is that boy doing?" My great grandmother whispered beside me.

I ran to the door, and Jake opened it. He set a small, fluffy, husky puppy in front of me. I bent down and it licked my face with its small tongue. I looked up at Jake. " When did you get him? Or is it a she?"

" It's a boy. Got him today. If you win that race next weekend, he's yours."

" What? Jake, no. I probably won't win it and he must've cost a-"

" Don't worry about how much he cost. You will win that race," Jake said, crossing his arms, " and then he's yours."

I turned around to look at my great grandmother, who had the biggest smile on her face. " You knew?"

" Well yeah," She answered, " If I didn't, I would be kicking his poor ass and the dog out as fast as you could say puppy!"

Me and Jake burst out laughing, and I picked up the puppy. " So does he got a name yet?"

" Nope, he's gonna be yours so you can name him."

I looked into the puppies crystal blue eyes, and it hit me. " Diesel."

Jake nodded in agreement, and I gave him Diesel. He smiled. " I will be over Saturday evening to help you get everything ready to go, okay?"

" Yeah," I replied, looking at Diesel.

" I will drop this little ball of fur off Monday. I got to take him to get his shots in the morning," Jake said, opening the door.

I waved to him, and grabbed my dirt bike gear from the dryer.


I pulled into the small gas station just minutes from my house and filled up my bike. As I was turning the cap to the gas tank shut, I heard the familiar sound of several four-stroke dirt bikes approaching. I quickly kick start the bike, and silently thank it for starting first kick.

" Is that a chick riding that bike? Boys! Who is it?" I heard someone yell. Mark.

Mark Rodriguez, Cole McCourt, and Alex Affleck are considered " the popular bikers" in Freetown. They can spread something through the whole town in less than 2.5 seconds. Almost everyone knows when they are close by the sound of their bikes.

I put my bike into first gear, but someone jumps in front of me. " If you don't move, I will run you over," I yelled over the sound of my bike.

Cole glared into my goggles. " Fierce one, eh?"

I nodded, and hit the throttle. Cole stumbled to the right, and I shifted to second and then third as I go up the road.

As I neared my driveway, I turned around to make sure nobody was following me. I gear down, and pulled into the driveway, breathing a sigh of relief. I stopped in front of the barn door, and pressed the red kill switch. Tomorrow morning will be my ride with Kolby and I was beyond excited.

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