Chapter - 10 - Everyone is here!

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After the battle,everyone went to sleep and woke up the next day.

Everyone Came out of their rooms some late than others.They all greeted each other and went to freshen up.Ash and Pikachu were excited to meet Misty and Brock again but Pikachu more Brick then misty but still.(dont worry she isn't a b**ch) And as they were doing their own stuff Clemont working in his lab,Ash training Bonnie and the rest watching or doing their own thing.And as they were explained Aura by Dawn,They were eagerly watching the two.And As they went on with their day, Clemont got a message.It was from Diantha so he quickly opened it.It said for all the gym leaders and Elite 4 to meet at a location.Apperantly Charles Goodshow had organizedthis meeting so Clemont quickly packed his bags and told everyone quickly where he was going but cuz he was quickly hurrying to get to the location,he didn't clearly look at the message and it said:Also Charles Said Ash should come too.Soooooo Yeah.L in the comments for Clemont.

With the gang

Ash:I wonder what could be so urgent that Diantha called a Meeting.

Serena:Maybe it is something urgent.

Bonnie:I don't know about you guys but I am going to check the message to see what it is all about.Anybody interested can come as well.

So everyone went with Bonnie and the went into Clemont's PC and read the message.

Dawn:Oh my god Charles Goodshow orgainezed this.It must be something very important.

As Bonnie is reading through  She gets to the part that Clemont missed.

"Also Charles Said that Ash should come as well.He said down people he knows are going to be there"

As soon as they heard that they all immediately Told Ash to Go already.The meeting was already starting.So Ash Went to the location and the others stayed at the Tower.

At the location.

Clemont go there and went inside and what he saw made him almost pass out every gym leader and Elite 4 of Kalos was there BUT Every Champion of the other regions were there as well.He felt so tiny compared to them that it made him feel VERY nervous.

As he went in Charles greeted him and Everyone there also greeted him.

Charles:Thank you all for coming here on a short notice.Clemont where is Ash?

Clemont:Ash?He is at the Tower.Was he supposed to come here too?

Diantha:Didn't you read my message?Yeah Charles told us this was related with Ash.

Clemont:SHOOT! Well I am going to call h-

As Clemont was about to finish that sentence The boy in question and his day one partner came in bursting through the Door panting very hard.

Ash:H-hey That is unfair Pikachu!

Pikachu:*pokespeech*It was your fault for looking and dumb enough to fall for it.

What happened was they had a race and As Ash was in the lead Pikachu said that There was Lugia in the sky and as Ash looked up in the sky and Pikachu Went ahead.

As they looked up,they noticed some familiar faces.Charles walked up to him

Charles:Good to see you again Ash.

Ash:Hello Charles.May I ask why I am needed here?

Charles:Have a seat please then I will explain.

As they sat down,Charles began

Charles:As to why I have called you all here is that Kukui has contacted me about the new Champion of Alola as The Alola league has officially  been established a few months back.So I announce the New Champion Of The Alola Region,Ash Ketchum!

Everyone collectively looked at Ash and congratulated him.

Olympia:The Sight I saw Came true.(In this story,Olympia also saw Ash and Pikachu in front of all of the legendaries and him becoming Champion.)

Charles:I also called you all here for another matter.

Everyone got serious.

Charles:I have noticed something.Ash Ketchum,what connection do you have with the legendary Lugia?

Ash:Lugia?Nothing much.On my Johto journey I saved Lugia's child and stopped The three legendary birds with Lugia.(Yeah.Nothing much at all Ash.)

Everyone there Started to question Ash and in the middle of the chaos,The Silver Wing that Lugia gave Ash fell from his jacket and everyone looked at it and Ash Quickly put it into his jacket again.

Charles:What a beautiful feather.Is that the connection to Lugia?

Ash:Why are you asking me about this?

Charles:We recently ran into Lugia.We tried to talk to it,but it was very unwanting to talk and flew off.We followed it and we found Lugia and Ho-Oh Talking about you.What are you Ash?

Ash:Guess I can't hide it forever.Ash explained the chosen one,him being chosen(don't worry there will be a special chapter for this.) Him helping every region and the legendaries and mythicals.

As everyone started to calm down,They all noticed something.An Ultra Wormhole was opening.Ash was the only one who understood what it was and called the others.

A while ago.Prisim Tower

As Ash left,The Original Duo that traveled with Ash,Brock and Misty.They arrived at the Prisim Tower and the door opened.After introducing themselves,They went inside of the Tower and met the Alola Gang and Started to talk with each other and the others telling them where Ash had gone.After a while of talking,An Ultra Wormhole opened in the distance and Kiawe got a call from Ash telling them to get ready for an Ultra Beast.

The Ultra Wormhole grows a bit bigger and out of it comes ........

To Be Continued...

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