Chapter 18

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Amelia/Leah pov

I woke up to lizzie caressing my face as usual. I opened one eye so see why.
She giggled.
Lizzie laugh tab count: always
"GoodMorning sweetheart, we gotta get up, we got a plane to catch remember" she reminded. Honestly I completely forgot. I'm just so tired. I got up and got ready for the plane ride.
We fetched Chris on our way to the airport because his lazy. Scarlett and rose were driving on their own.
I love Chris but I'm going to kill him, it's like he has 5 cups of coffee in his system already.
"GoodMorning ladies, how are you doing on this fine morning." lizzie shot him daggers,because it's 3am.its too early for this. I would to but I'm exhausted so I literally just gave him a thumbs up. Which made him laugh slightly.
I was trying to wrap my head around why we need to be there early! Like it's our own plane, why can't we show up at a reasonable time.

We got to the airport and I made Chris carry me because I was tired, however lizzie carried me bridal style to the plane because she made Chris carry the luggage.
"I prefer Leah. She's 10 times lighter than this! Did you pack rocks! " he yelled out from behind us which made me laugh. We got onto the plane and I slept all the way.. How do I know this because I woke up to Chris shaking me and saying the plane is going down.
Lizzie did half kill him though and I will eventually get my revenge!
There were 3 cars waiting for us.
I'm pretty sure Robert, and his family went in the first one. Jeremy and Chris Hemsworth and family in the second. And then mark  Chris Scarlett lizzie rose and myself along with the driver. We were abit much. So mark sat shot gun. Chris sat in the middle, Scarlett on the left with rose on her lap and lizzie on the right with me on hers. I for some reason was still exhausted so I cuddled into lizzie and fell asleep again.

When I woke up I was on a bed with burrito covering me. I looked around and saw lizzie and my luggage. This is probably the room we sharing...
I headed downstairs to the noise and Robert was the first to spot me..
"heyyy, you awake finally." he walked towards me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before continuing...
"this is my wife Susan, and my kids Exton, his 10 and this little angel" he picked up a little girl
"is avri she's 7" she giggled. Robert put her down and she ran back to the table where she was coloring with rose.
Robert further introduced everyone..
"so you met Mark and this is his son keen his 15 I suppose and then Chris is somewhere with his kids Jeremy came alone and well then there's the less attractive Chris. And my darling Scarlett and of course she goes no where without your mom lizzie " he laughed and then headed back to the seats where everyone was sitting. They were watching instant family
So I sat between Scarlett and lizzie. Can I just say it's official I'm adopting a teenager, and I also which I was adopted now because damn that would be sooo cool.

When the movie was finished the men decided to leave the building to lord knows where and the 3 woman went to the kitchen. I didn't really fit in with Avri and Rose and keen was 3 years older than me not to mention a boy so I scratched that idea. Well that's until he asked me If I wanted to play snakes and ladders. I won. Obviously. No I'm kidding I'm not really good at anything probably because I'm always expecting failure with everything I do. So winning a game of snakes and ladders was pretty cool and he wasn't going to be let down easily I would make him remember this for the rest of his life. We played scrabble next and honestly the entire explanation can be thrown out the window for this game. Why? Because words. I read alot of books. It's something I'm quite good at. This and artistic things. Naturally I won this game too..
"okay Leah, I must admit. You pretty awesome. Is there something you can't do? " he asked and giggled abit.
"math. I can't do math" I answered honestly before laughing..
"Oh my word. Me too... Like can't math leave its x alone" he laughed
We made a couple of math related jokes before talking about other subjects because well what else were we supposed to talk about. We talked about how parents don't get us. As the conversation got more personal we headed to a more personal space, well not really we passed through the kitchen to the backyard. The three ladies were making supper and Scarlett smiled at me when she saw I made a friend.Exton, Avri and rose were kicking a ball around so keen and I sat on the swings. He spoke about how overwhelming it is to be a celebrities son I listened gave him some advice even and then I told him my experience living with a celebrity well not everything but the fun parts. We then spoke about mental health, anxiety and depression. And wow, he was really compassionate about it and I loved it. We spoke about toxic positivity and things we think people shouldn't do when having panic attacks. Well basically we had alot to say. It honestly felt like we could sit for hours and talk about anything. I soon learned that it has been hours and the food was ready. Now naturally I would sit next to lizzie and Scarlett but tonight I was sitting with keen. Well he was to my right at the dining table and then to my left we had Ms rose. We had supper. I helped the ladies clean before taking a shower and then heading downstairs where keen was chilling. We continued our conversation about Harry Potter. His a hufflepuff apperently. I'm totally a griffindor. We ended up watching the last two. Deathly hollows, because we could both agree that finding out that professor snapp looked out for him all along just makes the rest of the movies hit different. Also the Dumbledores death scene is iconic. After finishing both and being chased to bed by Jeremy I decided to go cuddle up with lizzie who surprising wasn't asleep. So I asked..
"it's 2 in the morning. What's wrong,Can't sleep? " she looked up from her book and smiled
"no my kid hasn't returned to the nest yet and I refuse to close my eyes until she does "
She opened the blankets and held he arms out to me. Now I just feel bad. She didn't sleep because I wasn't in bed. I'll make it up to her later. I'm exhausted.

I cuddle close to her and she put down her boom and held me in her arms and actually sang me a song. No idea what she was singing but she has a beautiful voice that add soon after I was out like a light.
Word count 1220
Hey sparklers!
Firstly sorry for not posting yesterday. I'm feeling abit under the weather not covid but still sick. Anyways I should be updating more soon.
So Leah meets Robert's family. Also Hemsworth left the group chat😂 also im aware of all the ages being inaccurate,but it's a story and we do what we want here.

Leah and Keen👀 they seem cool! Right!!
Also I think the next chapter would be nothing but chaos 😅(emphasis on 'I think').

Take care of yourselves.
Stay healthy ❤️(unlike me🤣)
Sparkle out!!

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