Chapter 11

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Amelia/Leah pov.
Rose movements woke me up, she too just woke up and was hungry so we made our way to the kitchen. Scarlett was making Dino nuggies and fries. Honestly I was down. Chicken nuggets for the win. We had dinner and I gave rose a quick bath because she was tired and then tucked her in bed.
Then headed downstairs because the door bell rang. Scarlett got there before me... It was crystal and Sam. No lizzie.. So I had to ask.

"where's lizzie"
To which Sam replied..
"she's currently getting ready, she looks gorgeous. We on in 45 minutes don't forget to watch my first big time interview. "

I nodded. Sam said her goodbyes and crystal was busting so she bolted for the toilet..
"where's rose " Scarlett questioned

"she's in bed, she was quite tired "
Scarlett looked confused

"did she take a bath"
I nodded.
Scarlett spoke again..
"without a hassle? "

"yup, but she was tired so I'd assume she just wanted to get it over and done with"

Scarlett shook her head...
"her being tired makes things worse. Like crying and kicking and trying to escape the bathtub. What did you do? "

I felt proud of myself so I gave a smart answer
"I put her in the bath and washed her, why? What do you usually do? "
Scarlett just lightly pushed me and then crystal came into view so Scarlett could ask proper questions..
"so. I got work I gotta do but I'll be done before the interview. We can watch that together and then thereafter what do you guys want to do? " she looked at us waiting for an answer. I smirked and looked at crystal. This girl knows this look. It's the look we gave each other before pranking Max. She nodded and looked at Scarlett, with a dead serious face.
"we'd be having fun you could join us or you could choose to not join us it's okay we understand that your age doesn't go well with fun " crystal was clearly messing with Scarlett already also trying to keep her from staying in one spot. Scarlett smirked.
"did you just call me old" Crystal shrugged which lead Scarlett to say.
"Oh it's on, just you wait and see" she has fallen for our trap.
She headed to her office to do the work and Crystal and I got to work.
Crystal was the first to speak in a hushed tone.
"so powder in the hairdryer? Tape on the doorway? Oooh scream? What you thinking?"

"firstly, I have no clue where the hairdryer is. We didn't exactly come prepared with tape so scream is going to have to do. She scares easily so this should be a piece of cake"  crystal nodded and we laughed.
We going to have 2 scares going at once. So she's dressed uncomfortably. She's going to want to change so I'll be in her walk in closet somewhere. Also my dark colours will be helping. I scare her she ask where crystal is I say she's freshening up and changing. So making her look less sus. We end up in the family room Scarlett gets comfy on the couch crystal jumps out from behind it Where's she's been waiting. Seemed like a solid plan for before the interview. After the interview I guess we'll have to watch our backs. I was feeling abit cruel so I headed to the office Crystal following behind I stood in the doorway.
"hey aunty scar, the kitchen smells weird and it's quite gassy "
Scarlett when wide eyed and bolted to the kitchen. Crystal grabbed the tape standing on scars desk and we headed to the kitchen to find Scarlett checking the gas stove, when she realised it was closed and saw us smirking she playfully rolled her eyes.
"okay, I admit you guys got me. Ha ha very funny. You being warned"
She walked passed us still keeping her eyes on us and Crystal couldn't keep in her laughter.
When Scarlett reached the door she stuck against it. Damn crystal works fast. Not even I saw the tape. We laughed and all Scarlett could do was clap.
"well done. Well. Done. "  she smiled at her own defeat. When she finally broke free we bolted past her and headed to our scare positions as we only had 10 minutes before the interview... Our plan went smoothly we scared her twice.
Scarlett scare count: 3.
We watched the interview and they did so well. Lizzie was nervous tho she was playing with her bracelet the entire time. When the interview was over Scarlett got a text that they on their way 30 minutes.

And then, my unprepared self got hit at the back of my head with a pillow.
Nah uh. Scarlett. Did. Not. Just. Do that.

I grabbed a pillow and fraught back, it was really every man for themselves at this point probably because we didn't even know what we were hitting.
We finally called truce and waved our imaginary white flags. And then we heard laughter at the door. It's Sam and lizzie. They were both recording. Do these people ever stop recording..

Scarlett crystal and I all have each other the same look and without words we attacked the new comers lizzie bolted for the stairs I followed. Sam headed to the back yard she was wearing flats so she had more speed so Scarlett and crystal went after her.

Lizzie stopped at one point... Holding her hands up in surrender.
"Leah, honey... Put the pillow down. We can come to an arrangement. " was she really trying to talk herself out of it. I attacked and she was now on the floor trying to cover herself and she was laughing.
So lizzie giggle tab count: 4.
I stopped and sat next to her and she wrapped her arm around me.
"I missed you lizzie" and I swear this woman was smirking and her answer wasn't helping.
"are you serious? I was only gone for like 3 hours max. " I just pouted which made her giggle and squeeze me in a hug.
Lizzie giggle tab count: 5.

We headed downstairs still wrapped in each other's embrace. Sam was laying on the floor while Crystal and Scarlett were on the couch.
Innocently I asked.
" damn Sam. What happened to you"
She lifted her head and shit me a look that says 'seriously'. We all laughed. The 2 got changed and we watched a movie together.

After the movie we headed to bed and for some reason lizzie ended up in my bed. I wasn't complaining because she promised me cuddles if I let her stay.
Word count 1117

Heyy sparklers!
I still don't know what this is. I guess quality time with aunty Scarlett. Would you like a day with the best of the trio. Chris?
Also what do you think about rose and Amelias relationship.
Also the clinging to lizzie?

See y'all Monday.
Take care.

Sparkle out!

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