Chapter 14

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Amelia/Leah pov.
We left Scarletts house late last night. I remember on insisting to sleep in the car because I couldn't move because I was exhausted. Lizzie didn't take that well. She literally carried me to my room, well her room she didn't want to desturb crystal. So here I am laying alone in lizzie room the next morning. I planned on having a slow day. Crystal and I got our academic results today I was so not ready but at least this time I have no adult to show it to. Sam is quite chilled she believes that our grades doesn't define us so we should be fine. I made the bed and headed to the bathroom to do my business and then I went to my room to find something to wear. When I got there Crystal was on a video call with someone. Me being me I went to go see who it was. It was jade! Wow I haven't heard from her in a while or I haven't checked my phone in a while. We spoke for a solid 20 minutes before she had to go to drama practice with Jane, she took my advice.
I headed to the closet and took out some leggings a vest and cute pink hoodie with some long pink socks. The ones you can walk on. I got dressed, threw my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my circle reading glasses and headed downstairs to the kitchen because I could smell donuts. Lizzie was standing with her back towards me. Now I could scare her but that would take the relaxation out of my day so instead I wrapped my arms around her torso.
"hey sweetheart, I brought donuts. Nutella. Your favorite" I smiled at the little gesture I said thank you and took a seat at the table island where the donuts were. She handed me a plate before talking again
"I know you love coffee, but it's not something you should be drinking while on your period soo.. Hot chocolate or tea. " dammit. A caramel latte would've been amazing right now
I decided on tea. Now this is rare but it helps with my relaxing buzz.
"okay, here's your tea save me a salted caramel ima go get ready for this day. "  she kissed my forehead before heading upstairs.
I ate my donuts before deciding to head to the library with my tea and enjoy a book. Now I'm almost certain I'm allowed to use the library but the only problem is I have to pass through lizzie office area. I just won't look or touch anything. So that's what I did.
I closed the library door behind me and boy was I in heaven. The shelves were packed with amazing books but theres a certain shelve that caught my eye. The Harry Potter series. I grabbed the first book and settled down on the bean bag and started reading.

Moments later lizzie walks in she doesn't see me,but I panicked because I wasn't supposed to be in here she's probably mad. She raised her hand and I flinched and a second later a book fell on me.

Lizzie pov.
I finished up and headed to the kitchen for my donut. I had breakfast and then I decided to get some work done. I headed to my office and worked for a bit and then I needed a file in the library and I went. When I reached for it there was movements below me and I got a fright and dropped my file. Wait. Did the kid just flinch did she think I was going to hit her. She looked up at me and was on the verge of crying. So I tried to calm her.
"hey baby, it's okay. I didn't mean to. You gave me a fright and I dropped it I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" she was now in my embrace crying. I'm such an idiot. I continued to apologize while holding her. She soon calmed down and told me she's going to continue reading her book. I left her but I was going to come back to this matter. I took my file and entered back to my office leaving the door open so that I could see her. She didn't seem 100% and it bothered me. I was legitimately worrying about the kid. What happened? At around 2pm she got up put the book back grabbed her mug and told me she's going to take a nap. I nodded and she left.

Amelia /Leah pov.
I left lizzies office and went to the kitchen to wash my mug and that's when Crystal walked in all excited.
"BITCH. OUR CLASS HAS 100% PASS RATE. WE PASSED!! " I was so happy. I was ready to believe I failed math. I probably did. But I didn't care because I passed and that's all that matters.
"anyways so mom is asking if you'd like to join us for lunch and we'll have a massive chocolate cake for ourselves. Well we'd have to share but I don't mind. What do you say Lia?"
I nodded. I headed up stairs and put something more appropriate on. Crystal was wearing a boyfriend jeans and a black crop top with a black and white funnel. And because I'm that cringy I put on the same outfit mainly because I'd sit for hours and question what would be appropriate. Before heading out I checked my phone for my grades.
English B
Additional language B
Maths F
Chemistry D-
History C
Geography C
Arts A+
Technology B+
Biology C+
So I definitely failed maths but I still passed so that's a bonus. I went out of all my apps, locked my phone and put it back on my bedside table where it usually stays..

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